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08.12.2010 U.N.'s Ban urges climate deal, short of perfect
Saying the health of the planet is at stake, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged 190 nations meeting in Mexico on Tuesday to agree to steps to fight climate change that fall short of a perfect deal. Skip related content
Accesări: 331
08.12.2010 Solving Kyoto row said key to unlock Cancun deal
CANCUN, MEXICO - Resolving a dispute between rich and poor nations over cuts in greenhouse gas emissions is key to unblocking progress on all issues at U.N. climate talks in Mexico, a senior official said on Tuesday.
Accesări: 253
08.12.2010 Summitul climatic de la Cancun va polua cu 25.000 de tone de CO2
Datele includ dioxidul de carbon generat de zboruri, transport, hoteluri, precum şi pentru prepararea mâncării, ceea ce înseamnă că summitul are o rată de poluare la fel de mare ca Somalia sau Mali.
Accesări: 166
08.12.2010 ONU pledeaza pentru un acord la Cancun
Secretarul general al ONU, Ban Ki-moon, a facut un apel catre ministrii prezenti la conferinta de la Cancun, cerandu-le sa progreseze in incercarea de a ajunge la un acord global obligatoriu pentru reducerea emisiilor de dioxid de carbon, potrivit "Earth Times".
Accesări: 171
08.12.2010 Corespondenta COP16: Tinta de emisii 50-50-50 prinde forma la Cancun
In 2050, pe glob vor fi 9 miliarde de oameni, cu 50% mai multi decat astazi. Pana atunci, ONU tinteste catre reducerea emisiilor de carbon cu 50%. Secretarul general al ONU, Ban Ki-moon, a numit aceasta tinta “50-50-50”.
Accesări: 338
08.12.2010 COP 16: SUA, presata sa-si mareasca tintele de reducere a emisiilor
Reprezentantii Chinei, Indiei, Braziliei si Africii de Sud au declarat ca SUA trebuie sa-si ia angajamentul unei cresteri mai mari a tintei de reducere a emisiilor pentru ca discutiile de la Conferinta ONU de la Cancun sa progreseze, relateaza Bloomberg.
Accesări: 157
07.12.2010 Вопрос Киотского протокола угрожает прогрессу на переговорах в Канкуне
Рост оппозиции отдельных развитых стран по отношению к Киотскому протоколу ставит под сомнение прочность глобального климатического режима, но после первой недели переговоров в рамках 16-й Конференции сторон Рамочной Конвенции ООН об изменении климата (РКИК ООН) в Канкуне (Мексика) в атмосфере витает едва уловимый тон оптимизма. Большинство дискуссий проходит в конференц-центре роскошного курорта Moon Palace на берегу Карибского моря. Хотя двери этого дворца закрыты для посторонних на время проведения конференции, уже стало известно о достигнутом прогрессе по ряду ключевых вопросов. В последнюю неделю встречи (конференция продлится до 10 декабря 2010 г.) перед министрами и президентами стоит сложная задача – разрешить остающиеся спорные вопросы и определить, возможно, ли достижение соглашения в Мексике.
Accesări: 202
07.12.2010 Cancun - Why Kyoto still matters
Developing countries and some major emerging economies – chiefly China, but also including India and others – insist that the Kyoto treaty must continue beyond 2012, when most of its current provisions expire.
Accesări: 278
07.12.2010 Big guns arrive at Cancun climate talks
The climate change meeting in Cancun is entering the high-level stage, with heads of state and environment ministers arriving in the holiday city.
Accesări: 240
06.12.2010 COP 16 Primul proiect de acord climatic creeaza dezacord la Cancun
Din ratiuni complet diferite, Statele Unite si mai multe tari in curs de dezvoltare au criticat sambata un proiect de acord climatic elaborat de ONU pentru a scoate din impas negocierile climatice de la Cancun, relateaza AFP.
Accesări: 180
06.12.2010 COP 16 Negociatorii climatici, turisti fara voie la Cancun
Ce diferentiaza un negociator climatic de un turist venit sa se bucure de generosul soare mexican? La prima vedere, nu mare lucru. In orice caz, nu la Cancun, relateaza un corespondent al ziarului francez ”Le Monde”.
Accesări: 174
05.12.2010 No decision now on second commitment to Kyoto Protocol: Figueres
“The challenge is also to go beyond the stated positions of various countries and look for areas of compromise”
Accesări: 245
05.12.2010 COP 16: UE acorda jumatate de miliard de euro Chinei pentru combaterea schimbarilor climatice
Banca Europeana de Investitii (BEI), bratul financiar al Uniunii Europene, a anuntat astazi ca aproape jumatate de miliard de euro vor fi varsati Chinei ca forma de ajutor pentru lupta impotriva schimbarilor climatice.
Accesări: 205
04.12.2010 Calderon asks Latin America to back Cancun climate summit
Mar del Plata, Argentina - Mexican President Felipe Calderon on Saturday asked Latin America to support the UN climate summit taking place in Cancun, Mexico.
Accesări: 245
04.12.2010 Hope for Cancun climate talks
India hopes to be a "bridge player" and help break a deadlock between advanced and developing nations over how to fight climate change, the country's environment minister said Friday.
Accesări: 303
03.12.2010 India to change climate stance, allow international scrutiny
NEW DELHI: Environment minister Jairam Ramesh looks set to make a bold deviation from the country's formal stance on climate change talks to suggest that developing countries should agree upfront to a detailed plan for international scrutiny of their mitigation actions without waiting for developed countries to reveal their hand.
Accesări: 297
03.12.2010 India hopes to break deadlock at Cancun climate talks
NEW DELHI — India hopes to be a "bridge player" and help break a deadlock between advanced and developing nations over how to fight climate change, the country's environment minister said Friday.
Accesări: 292
03.12.2010 EU lends China 500 mln euro to fight climate change
The European Union's financing arm, the European Investment Bank, said on Friday it had granted a 500 million euro loan to China to help it mitigate climate change through alternative energy investments.
Accesări: 251
03.12.2010 Chinese negotiator urges more dialogues in Cancun
More dialogues are needed for achieving a balanced outcome of the ongoing UN Conference on Climate Change (COP 16) here, China's chief climate change negotiator said.
Accesări: 308
03.12.2010 Incalzirea globala, cauza iernilor foarte reci din Europa
Vremea extrem de rece si ninsorile care au paralizat Europa saptamana aceasta ar putea avea legatura cu incalzirea globala, conform teoriei lansate de un grup de climatologi germani, citati de site-ul de stiinta
Accesări: 471
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