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Climate talks: India dismisses reports of differences with China
06.12.2011     Accesări: 274   

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Durban:  India has dismissed talks of differences with other BASIC nations particularly China at the climate change talks in Durban. The BASIC group which comprimises Brazil, South Africa, India and China, has been negotiating with other countries to try and secure a second round of commitment from the Developed Nations under an extended Kyoto Protocol.

The Kyoto protocol, the only legally agreement on limiting green house gases, lapses next year unless member countries decide to extend it.
Canada, Japan and Russia have indicated that they are not in favour of extending Kyoto. The European Union, however, is keen that talks on a new agreement begin in Durban.
China announced on Monday that this could only happen in the future.

NDTV's Sidharth Pandey spoke to Environment Minister Jayanti Natarajan.  
Sidharth Pandey: So is it tough days for India ahead with the new minister here at Durban. Hectic day of negotiations for you; some areas of convergence, some areas of further clarity?
Jayanti Natarajan: It's been a very busy and constructive day. We've had the Indian delegations. We've had very constructive talks with the European Union, with the American delegation led by Todd Stern. I had a very important meeting of the BASIC Ministers. I would say it's been extremely satisfying because areas of convergence with the BASIC Ministers have been tremendous. The EU, the US delegation have all stated their views to us as we have to them. We will continue our talks now.

Sidharth Pandey:
The BASIC groups are emerging economic giants, which have similar problems but different realities.

Jayanti Natarajan:
There are also different perspectives. But all that experience is brought to bear on very fundamental issues that will need to be addressed if we are to make serious progress.

Sidharth Pandey:
Segments of international press talk about India being a stick in the mud. But that is only in a limited way. There are areas of convergence in the BASIC group as well.

Jayanti Natarajan:
As I said there are tremendous areas of convergence in the basic group as well. I don't want to respond to any distorted reports that might have appeared in some sections of the media because the last thing India is or has been, particularly given our history and what our country has contributed in terms of voluntary actions, the last thing india has ever been is obstructionist. we always have a constructive attitude. Our attitude is characterised by clarity, by consistency, and by compassion.



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