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Trading in carbon emissions to check global warming
22.03.2011     Views: 610   

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AMRITSAR: An operation to replace incandescent lamp (ICL) or ordinary bulb with a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) in Chandigarh and Punjab would be undertaken in near future by CQC Green Ventures Private Limited. "Since one incandescent lamp (ICL) or an ordinary bulb consumes four times more energy than one compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) so we decided to replace ICL with CFL across the nation to save energy and generate CERs (certified emission reduction points) from UN's appointed designated operating entity to keep the industrial growth unaffected," said CQC director Rajeev Bakshi.

He said in six months' time they replaced 1.4 million CFL's in about 4.5 lakh households in the Indian Railways across the nation. He said they were expecting the issuance of CERs by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for the railways project by June 2012.
The CER that the project was eligible for have been sold to the government of Sweden under Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement, he said. "Under the project, four ICLs of 60 and 100 watt were being replaced in each household with 11 and 18 watt ICL at a meagre price of Rs 15 per CFL which was otherwise available in the market for anything around Rs 120," said Bakshi, adding that the company gives subsidy on the CFL's to encourage its use and eventually generates CERs.
Major industrialists and even countries across the globe are in a race of earning the Certified Emission Reduction points (CERs) for each tonne of green house gas they prevent from entering the atmosphere by methods of efficient use of energy to fulfil their moral obligation and also the bindings of the UNFCCC. Going by the current international rate, one CER fetches up to 9 euro in Chicago and European Union Trading Scheme, informed advisor of C-Quest Capital AS Gill while talking to TOI on Monday.
The company generates CERs by implementing emission reduction projects. He said due to rapid pace of industrialization across the globe there had been excessive release of Green House Gases (GHG) in the atmosphere resulting in global warming and climate changes which eventually leads to incidents like tsunami etc which plays havoc to human life, so all countries were under pressure from UNOs monitoring agencies to minimize the release of GHG.