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05.12.2011 Durban climate talks: India gives guarded response to draft negotiating text
DURBAN: A 73-page draft negotiating text was issued at the end of the first week of climate talks in the South African city of Durban. The text, issued by the chair of the Bali track of the negotiations, is an "amalgamation" of draft texts and will provide the basis for the final document that will be considered by the Conference of Parties or the general assembly of the 193 countries and the European Union.
Accesări: 214
05.12.2011 COP-17: Business takes bull by horns as leaders talk
Yvo de Boer warns that it’s crunch time for delegates attending the 17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change under way in Durban — and the outcome is likely to be difficult
Accesări: 229
05.12.2011 'Climate poker' set for Durban
Durban - UN climate talks on Monday enter their second week entangled in a thick mesh of issues with no guarantee that negotiators and their ministers will be able to sort them out.
Accesări: 188
05.12.2011 China, EU Seek to Avoid Blame for Expiring Kyoto Pact
China and the European Union today will set out alternative proposals for extending limits on greenhouse gases, seeking to avoid the blame for undermining the only international pact limiting them.
Accesări: 214
05.12.2011 Nou record privind emisiile de CO2, in 2010
Emisiile de dioxid de carbon au crescut anul trecut la un nivel record, din cauza combustibililor fosili si a productiei de ciment, au anuntat cercetatorii din cadrul Global Carbon Project, care au raportat o crestere de 5,9%. Raportul a fost publicat duminica in revista Nature Climate Change.
Accesări: 132
04.12.2011 Mars cu tobe si vuvuzele la Durban: “Vrem justitie climatica, nu apartheid climatic!”
Summit-ul ONU pe probleme climatice care se desfasoara la Durban, Africa de Sud, a scos astazi in strada mii de persoane care cereau “justitie climatica”, si nu “apartheid climatic”, potrivit AFP.
Accesări: 161
02.12.2011 China may adopt emission limit
DURBAN / BEIJING - China is likely to agree to a quantified target to limit its greenhouse gas emissions after 2020, said a senior expert with a government think tank.
Accesări: 185
02.12.2011 China and Brazil threaten to block carbon offset trade
DURBAN 2011: CHINA AND Brazil have warned that one of the world’s biggest carbon markets will be under threat if wealthy countries reject their demands for a new phase of the Kyoto protocol.
Accesări: 217
02.12.2011 Arctica intra intr-o noua faza: Continentul este mai cald, mai verde si are mai putina gheata
Arctica intra intr-o noua perioada climatica, in care apa si aerul se incalzesc, gheata polara este mai putina, iar chimia oceanului se schimba. Aceasta este concluzia raportului unei echipe internationale de cercetatori, care monitorizeaza schimbarile rapide prin care trece Pamantul. Schimbarile cauzeaza modificari si in randul vietuitoarelor, atat la nivelul solului cat si la cel al apei, cu un habitat redus pentru ursii polari si morse. Pe de alta parte, balenele se bucura de o zona extinsa din care isi pot procura hrana.
Accesări: 150
02.12.2011 Adio, ciocolată! Arborii de cacao sunt decimaţi de schimbările climatice
Trei sferturi din producţia mondială de cacao provine din Africa de Vest, regiune care, în ultimul timp, a întâmpinat creşteri de temperaturi şi scăderi ale producţiei care se dovedesc greu de suportat de către micii întreprinzători. Specialiştii se tem că aceşti oameni vor fi tentaţi să se mute în zone cu temperaturi mai scăzute, unde să cultive alte specii de plante.
Accesări: 162
01.12.2011 Expert: Limit on carbon emissions likely after 2020
China is likely to make commitment for a quantified target to limit its greenhouse gas emissions after 2020, as the world's top carbon emitter is feeling ever-increasing pressures from international climate talks, said a senior expert with a government think tank.
Accesări: 184
01.12.2011 Developing countries may bargain with India over climate pact
NEW DELHI: India's ambitions for a seat in the United Nations Security Council could well decide it approach to a binding climate agreement. The vulnerable developing countries are considering the idea of offering New Delhi support for its Security Council claim in return to a serious engagement on a legal agreement that includes all major emitters.
Accesări: 189
01.12.2011 SUA, considerata tara care obstructioneaza lupta impotriva schimbarilor climatice, la summit-ul din Durban
Grupuri care lupta pentru mediu si oficiali guvernamentali s-au plans, miercuri, secretarului de stat american Hillary Clinton, avertizand asupra faptului ca negociatorii americani, care iau parte in aceasta săptămână la summit-ul de le Durban, Africa de Sud, risca sa infatiseze America precum o tara care obstructioneaza lupta impotriva schimbarilor climatice, din cauza faptului ca trage de timp in privinta adoptarii unor decizii critice, relateaza
Accesări: 138
01.12.2011 Permafrostul, o bomba cu efect intarziat pentru clima
Topirea accelerata a subsolurilor arctice inghetate, denumite permafrost, accentueaza efectele incalzirii globale in proportii din ce in ce mai ingrijoratoare, subestimate pana acum, potrivit unui studiu.
Accesări: 167
01.12.2011 Shifting geopolitics shake UN climate talks
New tensions and alignments are emerging at the UN talks here, reflecting subtle but far-reaching changes in the geopolitics of climate change.
Accesări: 213
01.12.2011 Half of greenhouse gases 'emitted by five nations'
More than half of all carbon pollution released into the atmosphere comes from five countries, according to a national ranking of greenhouse gas emissions released Thursday.
Accesări: 226
01.12.2011 EU fights global warming in a cold climate
European Union negotiators leading the push to keep U.N. climate talks on track are fighting a sense of despondency as the struggle to save the euro has pushed the one to save the planet down the priority list.
Accesări: 193
30.11.2011 African Delegates Demand Immediate Action at Climate Conference
A Nobel Prize-winning panel of scientists has said Africa is the continent facing the greatest risks from the effects of global warming. African delegates are demanding immediate action from all parties at the U.N. climate conference in Durban, South Africa to avert further environmental destruction.
Accesări: 255
30.11.2011 Climate Fund Board must get going: EU
The EU wants the Green Climate Fund board to start working as soon as next year, a union representative said on Wednesday.
Accesări: 202
30.11.2011 Fate of Kyoto Protocol in spotlight at talks
The global climate change talks in Durban got off to a rocky start, with developed and developing countries holding diverging positions, indicating tough negotiations ahead.
Accesări: 258
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