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15.07.2010 Environment's Poverty-Fighting Potential Largely Ignored
The environment remains a second-tier matter in Latin America and the Caribbean despite being interwoven with persistent poverty and stalled economic development in the region, according to a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme.
Accesări: 327
15.07.2010 China’s CO2 emissions need to peak by 2020: IEA
BEIJING - China’s emissions of carbon dioxide need to peak by 2020 if the world is to meet its 2050 targets aimed at curbing climate change, the head of the International Energy Agency said on Thursday. IEA director Nobuo Tanaka, in Beijing to launch a new report into clean energy technologies
Accesări: 263
13.07.2010 Plantele prognozează schimbările climatice
Cercetătorii vor realiza modelele climatice ţinând cont de informaţiile date de "comportamentul" porilor frunzelor.
Accesări: 225
13.07.2010 Fragmentarea calotei glaciare continuă: s-a rupt o bucată dintr-un gheţar din Groenlanda
Ruperea gheţarului Jakobshavn Isbrae ar putea fi legată de încălzirea globală, cred cercetătorii. O bucată de gheaţă de 7km pătraţi s-a rupt din gheţarul Jakobshavn Isbrae din Groenlanda, potrivit NASA.
Accesări: 192
13.07.2010 UN Eyes Private Help in $100 Billion Climate Aid
UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- A pledge by rich nations in Copenhagen to provide as much as $100 billion a year of climate-related aid to developing countries by 2020 may depend in part on the generosity of private donors and other non-governmental sources.
Accesări: 251
13.07.2010 UN chief calls for delivery on climate change financing
UN Secretary-general Ban Ki- moon on Tuesday reiterated the need for world leaders to deliver sizable financial support to developing countries to fund their efforts in mitigating and adapting to climate change.
Accesări: 242
12.07.2010 UE a aprobat instrumentul de masurare a emisiilor din aviatie
Comisia Europeana a aprobat folosirea unui instrument de calcul ce estimeaza consumul de combustibil al operatorilor de aparate de zbor de mici dimensiuni, proiect ce face parte din schema de comert cu certificate pentru emisii.
Accesări: 132
12.07.2010 SCENARIOS-Fate of Japan climate bill uncertain after election
Japan's climate bill, which backs the creation of an emissions trading scheme, faces an uncertain fate after the ruling Democratic Party and its ally lost their majority in a weekend election for parliament's upper house.
Accesări: 280
12.07.2010 New York talks to tackle climate financing deadlock
The latest round of crucial UN-backed talks to identify how to raise climate finance for developing countries will take place in New York later today, with the UK warning that progress is essential to the chances of an international climate treaty being agreed.
Accesări: 278
11.07.2010 Climate Finance Deal Needed to Break Treaty Deadlock, U.K.'s Huhne Says
Developed countries must devise a way to channel $100 billion a year in climate aid to poorer nations to secure an international deal to fight global warming, U.K. Energy Secretary Chris Huhne said.
Accesări: 209
07.07.2010 Climate to warm at double rate
THE world is heading for an average temperature rise of nearly 4 degrees, according to a global analysis of national pledges. Such a rise would bring a high risk of major extinctions, threats to food supplies and the near-total collapse of the huge Greenland ice sheet.
Accesări: 224
07.07.2010 China gazduieste o noua runda de negocieri climatice
China va gazdui o runda suplimentara de negocieri climatice in octombrie, menita sa duca la un proiect de acord climatic inainte de conferinta ONU din decembrie, transmite Reuters.
Accesări: 130
07.07.2010 UN's climate report 'one-sided'
THE IPCC's report on climate change failed to make clear it often presented a worst-case scenario on global warming, an investigation has found.
Accesări: 208
07.07.2010 Report calls for new climate change approach
With global efforts to combat climate change sagging after the Copenhagen conference, Australian experts have called for a completely different approach.
Accesări: 209
06.07.2010 Саммит «Группы двадцати» в Торонто: «восстановление и новое начало»
В Торонто (Канада) 26–27 июня 2010 г. прошла четвертая встреча глав государств и правительств «Группы 20». Девиз встречи – «Восстановление и новое начало». Основная цель саммита – разработать меры, обеспечивающие устойчивый рост мировой экономики.
Accesări: 125
06.07.2010 Temperaturile vor creşte cu 4 grade, în ciuda măsurilor asumate de ONU
Statele lumii au decis la summitul de la Copenhaga să limiteze creşterea temperaturilor la 1,5-2 grade Celsius.
Accesări: 158
06.07.2010 Korea, Mexico discuss ways to upgrade ties
The foreign ministers of South Korea and Mexico on Tuesday met to discuss follow-up measures for cementing stronger ties following a recent summit between the countries.
Accesări: 280
06.07.2010 CDM Panel Calls for Investigation Over Carbon Market Scandal
Certified Emissions Reduction Units (CERs) for the destruction of HFC-23 represent over 1/2 of the CDM credits issued to date. The CDM’s HFC-23 projects pay 65-75 times more for HFC-23 destruction than the manufacturers pay. A revision request submitted by CDM Watch to the CDM Executive Board provides overwhelming evidence that manufacturers are gaming the CDM system and undermining carbon markets by producing potent greenhouse gases (GHGs) just so they can get paid to destroy them. The revision request called for an immediate overhaul in the rules governing the number of credits being issued and removal of the perverse financial incentives that currently exist.
Accesări: 204
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