Binding climate deal 'reachable this year': UN
Countries could reach a binding agreement on climate change in Mexico City this year after failing to do so in Copenhagen, the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said Tuesday. |
Expertii IPCC isi revizuiesc previziunile privind topirea ghetarilor
Grupul interguvernamental de experti in evolutia climei (IPCC) va deschide o ancheta in legatura cu o serie de declaratii recente potrivit carora previziunile grupului ce vizeaza disparitia ghetarilor din Himalaya ar putea fi eronate, a declarat presedintele IPCC, luni, la New Delhi, informeaza AFP, citat de Mediafax. |
În Alaska gheţarii se topesc mai greu
Potrivit unui studiu publicat în revista Nature Geoscience, în perioada 1962-2006, gheţarii din Alaska s-au topit mai greu decât era estimat. |
UE isi mentine tinta de reducere a emisiilor
Ministrii mediului din tarile Uniunii Europene nu au ajuns la un acord in privinta maririi procentului de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera pana la 30%, la finalul summitului informal de la Sevilla, la care a participat si ministrul roman al mediului Laszlo Borbely, transmite Earth Times. |
Nominee admits EU lacks 'world authority'
Germany's nominee for the European Commission yesterday made an unusually frank assessment of the European Union's weight in global affairs, saying last month's climate change summit had exposed the bloc's limited influence on the international stage. |
'Kyoto is in intensive care'
Jairam Ramesh is perhaps the most intelligent and energetic environment minister India has had. He has brought a new sense of purpose to his ministry, outlined an ambitious domestic agenda, introduced greater transparency, and dramatically altered India’s negotiating stance in the global talks on climate change. Here, for the first time, Ramesh speaks to Business Standard on what he has done so far and his future agenda. In the first of a three-part interview Ramesh speaks about the meaning of the Copenhagen Accord. Subsequent instalments will deal with the domestic policy agenda. |
Indonesia ready for binding targets on emissions reduction
State Environment Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta has insisted that Indonesia will submit an official report on the country’s emissions cuts target to the United Nation by the end of this month, which will bind Indonesia to emissions reduction. |
China, 3 others to chart climate roadmap
China's climate official yesterday confirmed that climate ministers from four emerging economies will meet in India this month, to help chart a roadmap toward a legally binding global climate change agreement in Mexico City this year. |
Urmatoarele saptamani, cruciale pentru soarta acordului COP15
Saptamanile ce vor urma sunt cruciale pentru soarta acordului semnat de liderii mondiali la finalul summitului pentru clima de la Copenhaga din decembrie, a declarat Todd Stern, emisarul special american pentru clima, citat de The Guardian. |
India Plans $16 Billion Energy-Saving Credit Market
India, the world’s fourth-largest polluter, plans to start a market to trade energy-saving credits that may reach 740 billion rupees ($16 billion) in five years as it seeks to curb emissions that cause global warming. |
Un scut solar ar putea bloca incalzirea globala
O serie de masuri urgente de stopare a schimbarilor climatice, printre care si construirea unui "scut solar", vor fi discutate in cadrul unei conferinte despre geo-inginerie, ce va avea lor in martie in California, transmite The Telegraph. |
Emisiile din SUA vor creste in urmatorii doi ani
Nivelul emisiilor de carbon generate de combustibili fosili, precum carbuni si petrol, va creste in urmatorii doi ani pentru ca economia sa-si poata reveni. Acest lucru va face din obiectivul administratiei Obama, de a reduce cantitatea de emisii pana in anul 2020, o sarcina dificil de indeplinit, au anuntat reprezentantii departamentului energetic din guvernul american, informeaza Reuters. |
U.S. envoy optimistic Senate will pass climate bill
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top U.S. climate negotiator said he hopes the U.S. Senate will pass a global warming bill in the first half of the year, but the country will have to work on alternatives if the legislation fails. |
Gore Urges Senate to Defend EPA’s Power to Limit Greenhouse Gas
Former Vice President Al Gore joined a dozen Senate Democrats in opposing a Republican effort to block the Environmental Protection Agency from placing limits on greenhouse-gas emissions. The Republicans may soon try to “strip” the EPA of “its ability to regulate most carbon pollution, letting the worst polluters off the hook,” Gore, who won an Oscar and a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to publicize global warming, said yesterday in an e-mail to supporters. |