Major emitters set carbon goals after Copenhagen
Fifty-five countries accounting for almost 80 percent of world greenhouse gas emissions have pledged varying goals for fighting climate change under a deadline in the "Copenhagen Accord," the United Nations said on Monday. |
Nations quietly reaffirm Copenhagen climate pledges
The world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases have reaffirmed their emissions reduction goals, quietly meeting a United Nations deadline for the endorsement of December’s Copenhagen Accord. |
Global deal on climate change in 2010 'all but impossible'
A global deal to tackle climate change is all but impossible in 2010, leaving the scale and pace of action to slow global warming in coming decades uncertain, according to senior figures across the world involved in the negotiations. |
SUA isi reduc emisiile cu 28%
Presedintele american Barack Obama a anuntat vineri ca tara sa isi va reduce emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera cu 28% pana in 2020, transmite Reuters. |
Copenhagen climate deal gets low-key endorsement
OSLO, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Nations accounting for most of the world's greenhouse gas emissions have restated their promises to fight climate change, meeting a Sunday deadline in a low-key endorsement of December's "Copenhagen Accord". |
Canada files emissions target with UN
Canada has aligned itself with U.S. policy as it gave the United Nations its target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions under the Copenhagen Accord. |
UE incearca sa construiasca pe fundatia acordului de la Copenhaga
UE si-a oficializat sprijinul pentru Acordul de la Copenhaga privind schimbarile climatice si si-a prezentat angajamentele privind obiectivele de reducere a emisiilor. Printr-o scrisoare comuna cu Presedintia spaniola, Comisia a anuntat oficial dorinta UE de a fi asociata la Acord si a amintit obiectivele de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera stabilite de UE pentru 2020: reducerea emisiilor globale ale UE cu 20% fata de nivelurile din 1990 si o oferta conditionata de a creste la 30% acest procentaj. |
Schimbarile climatice, tema zilei la Davos
Incalzirea globala si mijloacele prin care guvernele pot sa protejeze mediul sunt principalele teme discutate astazi in cadul Forumului Economic Mondial de la Davos, unde se desfasoara conferinta “From Copenhagen to Mexico: What's Next?”, potrivit agentiei Associated Press, citata de Yahoo Finance. |
China, India, Brazil Commit to Meet Copenhagen Accord Deadline
China, Brazil, South Africa and India will disclose the voluntary steps the countries will take to help reduce global warming by the Jan. 31 deadline set during negotiations in Copenhagen, India’s environment minister said after talks between the four nations in New Delhi yesterday. |
Emerging nations pledge climate change unity in India
NEW DELHI (AFP) – Environment ministers from Brazil, South Africa, India and China said on Sunday that talks in New Delhi had further cemented their alliance following the Copenhagen climate change summit. |
China to rich nations: Hand out climate money now
NEW DELHI -- Brazil, China, India and South Africa called Sunday for developed countries to quickly begin handing over the $10 billion pledged in Copenhagen to poor countries to help them deal with the effects of climate change. |
Govt preparing decree to cut gas emissions
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian government is currently preparing a legal umbrella in the form of a presidential decree to achieve the target of greenhouse gas reduction by 26 percent nationwide by 2020. |
Copenhagen & beyond: Stage set for BASIC meet in Delhi
NEW DELHI: With an eye on the climate change conference in Mexico, the BASIC countries are considering ways to mend fences with the small island states and less developed countries. At the BASIC meeting to be held this week, India is likely to put forward a proposal for a fund to help vulnerable countries to deal with the effects of climate change. |