Climate Fight Is Heating Up in Deep Freeze
WASHINGTON — As millions of people along the East Coast hole up in their snowbound homes, the two sides in the climate-change debate are seizing on the mounting drifts to bolster their arguments |
SUA infiinteaza o agentie consacrata schimbarilor climatice
Statele Unite intentioneaza sa infiinteze o noua agentie guvernamentala consacrata schimbarilor climatice si modalitatilor prin care economia poate castiga de pe urma acesteia, a anuntat luni administratia Obama, relateaza AFP, citata de Mediafax. |
EU ETS intervention call howled down
A call by British politicians for intervention in the EU carbon market to lift the “flat-lining” price of carbon has drawn cautionary and critical responses from the government, Brussels and carbon market players. |
Focus Social: Iarna schimbarilor climatice
In ciuda frigului naprasnic care a paralizat Romania la sfarsitul lunii ianuarie, anotimpurile, asa cum le stiam noi, nu vor mai fi la fel, iar iernile de altadata vor ramane doar in amintirile bunicilor. Daca climatologii demonstreaza astazi fenomenul incalzirii globale prin dovezi stiintifice, veteranii Bucurestiului simt de mult schimbarile climatice pe propria piele. |
US government plans new climate service
WASHINGTON (AFP) – US President Barack Obama's administration announced plans Monday for a new office handling climate change, aiming to help businesses chart future plans as the nation shifts to a greener economy. |
U.N. Climate Panel and Chief Face Credibility Siege
Just over two years ago, Rajendra K. Pachauri seemed destined for a scientist’s version of sainthood: A vegetarian economist-engineer who leads the United Nations’ climate change panel, he accepted the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the panel, sharing the honor with former Vice President Al Gore. |
Indian PM backs UN climate panel
NEW DELHI (AFP) – Indian Premier Manmohan Singh on Friday lent his support to the beleaguered UN climate change panel, saying a glaring error in the body's key 2007 report did not change the science of global warming. |
Spain Sees Emissions To 2012 Breaching Kyoto Limit
MADRID - Spain on Tuesday predicted on Wednesday that its greenhouse gas emissions in the 2008-12 period will be almost 20 percent above the upper limit it was set in 1990 under the Kyoto Protocol. |
EU agrees billions to fund renewables, CCS
EU member states this week (2 February) agreed how to allocate billions worth of EU money from the bloc's emissions trading scheme (EU ETS) to support renewable energies and emerging technology to capture carbon dioxide and store it underground. |
55 de tari si-au anuntat tintele pentru emisii
55 de tari, responsabile pentru aproape 80% din emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera ale planetei, si-au confirmat la ONU tintele de reducere a acestora, potrivit acordului semnat in decembrie la Copenhaga, transmite Reuters. |
World’s Biggest Emitters Sign Up to Copenhagen Accord
China, the U.S. and the 27-nation European Union signed up to the Copenhagen Accord, giving life to the first climate-protection agreement that contains numerical goals for all the biggest greenhouse-gas emitters. |