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03.03.2010 Japan’s Draft Climate Bill Omits Mandatory Limit on Emissions
Draft legislation for a new Japanese climate bill omits mention of a limit on emissions by industry, a sign Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama’s government may retreat from an earlier promise to start a cap-and-trade system.
Accesări: 284
03.03.2010 Investitii intr-o instalatie de desulfurare la Rovinari
Complexul energetic Rovinari va investi 176 milioane de lei într-o instalaţie de desulfurare a gazelor de ardere, lucrarile urmand sa inceapa pe 1 iulie 2010 si sa se incheie la 31 decembrie 2011.
Accesări: 183
03.03.2010 75 de simboluri ale lumii sting lumina pe 27 martie
75 de constructii-simbol din lume vor stinge luminile pe 27 martie pentru a trage un semnal de alarma privind incalzirea globala in cadrul evenimentului mondial Earth Hour, ajuns la cea de-a patra editie.
Accesări: 200
03.03.2010 Yvo de Boer: Cop 16 won’t produce binding agreement
Countries such as China and India will not enter a legally binding agreement at the next United Nations Climate Change conference (Cop16) in Cancun, Mexico at the end of 2010, predicts Yvo de Boer, the executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. However, he does expect crucial progress to be made there.
Accesări: 246
03.03.2010 UN Climate Process ‘Needs a Good Spanking,’ Yvo de Boer Says
The process for reaching a global climate agreement “needs a good spanking,” United Nations Climate Chief Yvo de Boer said today.
Accesări: 248
03.03.2010 Rich need to be clearer on climate cash: de Boer
Rich nations must outline firm plans on where finance to tackle climate change will come from. Only then will poor countries be willing to agree to structure carbon markets beyond 2012, outgoing UN climate chief Yvo de Boer told the Carbon Market Insights conference in Amsterdam today.
Accesări: 282
02.03.2010 Tribunalul UE a respins cererea Arcelor de anulare a unor prevederi din legislatia emisiilor de CO2
Tribunalul Uniunii Europene a respins o solicitare din 2004 a grupului siderurgic ArcelorMittal de anulare a unor prevederi ale legislatiei UE privind comercializarea de certificate corespunzatoare emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera, precum si cererea producatorului de otel de a primi despagubiri, informeaza Mediafax.
Accesări: 213
02.03.2010 55 de tari si-au anuntat tintele pentru emisii
55 de tari, responsabile pentru aproape 80% din emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera ale planetei, si-au confirmat la ONU tintele de reducere a acestora, potrivit acordului semnat in decembrie la Copenhaga, transmite Reuters.
Accesări: 200
01.03.2010 World’s Biggest Emitters Sign Up to Copenhagen Accord
China, the U.S. and the 27-nation European Union signed up to the Copenhagen Accord, giving life to the first climate-protection agreement that contains numerical goals for all the biggest greenhouse-gas emitters.
Accesări: 323
01.03.2010 Major emitters set carbon goals after Copenhagen
Fifty-five countries accounting for almost 80 percent of world greenhouse gas emissions have pledged varying goals for fighting climate change under a deadline in the "Copenhagen Accord," the United Nations said on Monday.
Accesări: 288
01.03.2010 55 countries send UN their carbon-curbing plans
Fifty-five countries have submitted pledges for curbing greenhouse gas emissions to the UN climate convention.
Accesări: 210
01.03.2010 US Senators seen ditching cap and trade in new bill
Three U.S. senators are seeking to radically overhaul stalled climate legislation by proposing to dump broad cap-and-trade provisions and take a sector by sector approach to cutting greenhouse gas emissions, a White House official and leading U.S. newspaper reported.
Accesări: 244
01.03.2010 Climate Group Plans Review
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's announcement over the weekend that it will seek independent experts to investigate how factual errors were published in its latest report is a key aspect of the organization's effort to understand and divulge its institutional problems, officials there say.
Accesări: 290
01.03.2010 LEAD: Climate negotiators explore ways to advance talks toward Mexico meeting+
Climate negotiators from about 30 countries and international organizations began exploring ways in a two-day informal meeting from Monday in Tokyo to advance talks to craft a new global framework to combat climate change beyond 2012.
Accesări: 340
01.03.2010 Senator Kerry Says Compromise Climate Bill Coming
WASHINGTON - Senator John Kerry said a bipartisan climate change bill would emerge soon in the U.S. Senate, contradicting what he called the "conventional wisdom" that the legislation was dead this election year.
Accesări: 264
28.02.2010 China says moving to enforce greenhouse gas goals
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Sunday it will spell out greenhouse gas emissions goals and monitoring rules for regions and sectors in its next five-year plan, with monitoring to show it is serious about curbing emissions.
Accesări: 365
27.02.2010 Jurnalul national: Poluarea omoara anual 56 de milioane de oameni
56 de milioane de oameni mor in fiecare an de boli cauzate de poluare. Cele mai raspandite sunt afectiunile pulmonare, cele faringiene si esofagiene si bolile de piele. Cei mai afectati sunt asiaticii si africanii, in Uniunea Europeana media fiind de 300.000 de decese in fiecare an. Este concluzia OMS.
Accesări: 193
26.02.2010 ONU va evalua expertii de mediu care au comis erori intr-un raport climatic
ONU a anuntat vineri ca va demara o analiza independenta a Grupului interguvernamental de experti in evolutia climei (IPCC), castigatori ai premiului Nobel, a caror credibilitate a fost afectata de erorile dintr-un raport pe tema schimbarilor climatice, anunta AFP.
Accesări: 241
26.02.2010 U.N. says will create science panel to review IPCC
An independent board of scientists will be appointed to review the world's top climate science panel, which has been accused of sloppy work, a U.N. climate spokesman said on Friday.
Accesări: 429
26.02.2010 Push to Oversimplify at Climate Panel
In the next few days, the world's leading authority on global warming plans to roll out a strategy to tackle a tough problem: restoring its own bruised reputation.
Accesări: 468
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