EU comes up with exit strategy for climate talks
The EU's new commissioner for climate action wants Europe to continue leading global negotiations and pursue deeper emission cuts, even if the current pledge of 20% reductions by 2020 was not matched by other developed countries. |
China, India give nod to climate deal
China joined India Tuesday in giving qualified approval to the Copenhagen climate accord which calls for voluntary limits on the greenhouse gas emissions. |
West worries about Russia turning to coal
European efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions could be undermined by Russian plans to dramatically increase energy production from coal, Western experts said in Brussels yesterday (9 March). |
Occidentul este ingrijorat de intoarcerea Rusiei catre carbune
Eforturile europene de a reduce emisiile de gaze ar putea fi subminate de catre planurile Rusiei de a creste drastic productia de energie rezultata din carbune. "Pentru a-si putea onora contractele de export al gazului, Rusia a trebuit sa se indrepte spre carbune", a declarat Kevin Rosner, cercetator in cadrul Institutului pentru Analiza a Securitatii Globale din Statele Unite. |
UE asigura asistenta financiara de 2,4 de miliarde de euro pentru tarile sarace
Tarile UE vor asigura asistenta financiara initiala rapida de 2,4 de miliarde de euro in perioada 2010-2012 pentru tarile in curs de dezvoltare, potrivit strategiei prezentate marti de Comisia Europeana. CE a anuntat ca va elabora o analiza a politicilor concrete care ar trebui implementate pentru a reduce emisiile tarilor membre cu 30% si pentru a dezvolta piata internationala a carbonului. |
U.S. Should Not Wait For China & India To Act On Climate- Change: EPA
A top U.S. environmental official says Washington should not wait for major pollutant countries, including India and China to act on climate-change, but should proceed with its environmental-protection measures by way of legislation, besides conducting research and organizing development. |
IMF Suggests How To Raise Climate Change Funds
The head of the International Monetary Fund on Monday proposed a plan for the world's governments to pool together to raise money needed to adapt to climate change, a rare step for an organization that normally does not develop environmental policies. |
Lawmakers move to restrain EPA on climate change
As climate change legislation stalled in the Senate, the Obama administration noted that it had a workable -- although admittedly unwieldy -- Plan B. If Congress wouldn't cap U.S. emissions, officials said, the Environmental Protection Agency would do it instead. |
Mett Office: Omul provoaca incalzirea globala
Biroul Meteorologic din Marea Britanie sustine ca dovezile potrivit carora activitatile umane cauzeaza incalzirea globala sunt tot mai clare, informeaza BBC. Cercetatorii britanici spun ca acest lucru e mai evident decat in 2007, cand Grupul Interguvernamental pentru Schimbari Climatice a realizat ultimul studiu pe aceasta tema. |
Qatar in race to host UN climate summit in 2012
DOHA: Qatar is a bidder for hosting the 2012 United Nations climate summit. The Arab League Economic Affairs Committee has unanimously given the go-ahead to Qatar to bid for the 18th Conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). |