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17.03.2010 Carlgren: Mexico Climate Talks Will Fail
The failures of last year’s climate meeting in Copenhagen are casting a long shadow on the coming international UN conference in Mexico at the end of the year. After meeting his EU colleagues on Monday, Swedish environment minister Andreas Carlgren is doubtful that the international UN group can agree on a deal to cut emissions of carbon dioxide.
Accesări: 307
17.03.2010 Africans 'take blame for climate change'
Many Africans blame themselves for climate change even though fossil fuel emissions there are less than 4% of the global total, a new survey suggests.
Accesări: 259
16.03.2010 Race for climate top job hots up
New Delhi: The race for the UN’s top climate change job is set to get more intense with the number of candidates in the fray increasing. After India and South Africa nominated candidates, Indonesia and Costa Rica too made known their ambitions for the post of UNFCCC executive secretary.
Accesări: 257
16.03.2010 India desperately looks for a chief negotiator as Bonn climate talks near
New Delhi: With a couple of days left for the government to announce its representatives at the climate change talks in Bonn next month, the environment and forest ministry is now counting on its trusted lieutenants.
Accesări: 237
16.03.2010 EU calls for urgent action to fight climate change
BRUSSELS, (KUNA) -- Environment ministers from the 27 member EU, meeting here Monday, underlined that the Copenhagen Accord requires urgent action on adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change.
Accesări: 214
16.03.2010 EU backs UN climate report despite scepticism
Brussels - United Nations climate scientists attacked by sceptics after they published an erroneous global warming forecast won support on Monday from European Union environment ministers.
Accesări: 269
15.03.2010 Romania saluta noua strategie UE de combatere a schimbarilor climatice
Romania este de acord cu reducerea emisiilor Uniunii Europene cu peste 20% si sprijina obiectivul diminuarii emisiilor de CO2 provenite de la vehiculele utilitare usoare, a declarat luni ministrul Mediului si Padurilor, Laszlo Borbely, la Reuniunea Consiliului de Mediu de la Bruxelles.
Accesări: 174
15.03.2010 Australia se incalzeste
Nivelul temperaturilor a scazut in Australia, iar temperaturile din timpul primaverii au crescut tot mai mult, arata meteorologii australieni care au publicat o analiza a vremii din Australia din ultimii 100 de ani, informeaza Ecologist.
Accesări: 227
15.03.2010 Mexico urges rich states to deliver on climate aid pledges
Brussels - The European Union and other developed nations must deliver on climate aid pledges made to developing countries, the host of the next world summit on climate change in Cancun, Mexico, said on Monday. But the pledges might not be enough to win agreement on a binding international treaty at the Cancun talks in November, Mexico's Environment Minister Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada acknowledged.
Accesări: 272
15.03.2010 Wen battles claims of 'arrogance'
Premier says China worked with other nations on climate accord
Accesări: 243
15.03.2010 Scientists warn of demise of Canadian climate research
MONTREAL — When government funding for a foundation dedicated to climate research dries up at the end of the year, scientists say the aftershocks of its departure will be felt not only in Canada but by researchers around the globe.
Accesări: 257
15.03.2010 India will fight attempts to unseat Pachauri: Jairam Ramesh
The government had full confidence in Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) chief R.K. Pachauri and would fight “any attempt to unseat him”, Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh said Monday.
Accesări: 229
15.03.2010 Greenpeace chief: breaking law justifiable in fight against climate change
The head of Greenpeace has said that it is justifiable to break the law in order to alert people to the threat of climate change.
Accesări: 285
15.03.2010 Climate report shows Australia getting warmer
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia's top scientists on Monday released a "State of the Climate" report at a time of growing scepticism over climate change as a result of revelations of errors in some global scientific reports.
Accesări: 225
14.03.2010 Predictiile IPCC, contrazise din nou
Un nou studiu finantat de Nasa arata ca cea mai severa seceta din ultimul secol a avut un impact minor asupra vegetatiei din Amazon, contrazicand astfel, din nou, predictiile Comitetului Interguvernamental pentru Schimbari Climatice al ONU (IPCC).
Accesări: 166
11.03.2010 48% dintre americani considera exagerata grija pentru incalzirea globala
Un numar tot mai mare de americani, aproape jumatate din stat, spun ca grijile legate de incalzirea globala sunt exagerate, iar multi altii se indoiesc de faptul ca avertismentele stiintifice privind incalzirea globala se pot adeveri, informeaza Reuters.
Accesări: 193
11.03.2010 Stern backs $100bn IMF climate fund plan
A climate fund proposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to raise $100 billion a year by 2020 has won support from climate change economics guru Nicholas Stern.
Accesări: 256
11.03.2010 Scientists take another run at climate change
Eight Nobel-prize winning economists and scientists have joined more than 2,000 others in signing a letter today that urges the Senate to take swift action on climate change.
Accesări: 269
11.03.2010 More Americans say global warming exaggerated: poll
A growing number of Americans, nearly half the country, think global warming worries are exaggerated and more people doubt that scientific warnings of severe environmental fallout will ever occur, according to a new Gallup poll.
Accesări: 245
11.03.2010 Raportul IPCC din 2007, luat la verificat
Secretarul general al ONU a cerut academiilor de stiinte din lume sa revizuiasca lucrarile Comitetului Interguvernamental pentru Schimbari Climatice (IPCC), ca urmare a descoperirii mai multor erori in studiul major asupra climei din 2007, informeaza BBC.
Accesări: 195
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