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12.06.2010 UN climate talks end with some progress amid rifts on "imbalanced text"
"Imbalance" became the key word on the last day of the UN (the United Nations) climate talks in Bonn, as delegates criticized a new blueprint for a UN legally- binding climate treaty on Friday. However, the split could not cover some progress made during the past 12 days, even it might be just a little.
Accesări: 230
04.06.2010 India asks UN to take tough stand against protectionism
NEW DELHI: India has demanded that the UN prevent any green protectionism by developed countries and include an explicit statement in the opening charter of any new deal to block carbon-based taxes being imposed on exports from developing countries such as India.
Accesări: 206
04.06.2010 Bonn delegates still a long way off climate change text agreement
The Alliance of Small Island States, AOSIS has called on climate change negotiators meeting in Germany to push for a legally binding outcome.
Accesări: 257
04.06.2010 ‘Consequences’ of climate change right in the heart of İstanbul
One quick press of a finger on the camera’s shutter button might actually have the power to change the world -- or at least help people notice what’s going on in other parts of the world that they would otherwise hardly be able to see.
Accesări: 258
04.06.2010 Basescu a discutat cu Hedegaard despre emisiile de CO2
Presedintele Traian Basescu a primit-o joi, la Palatul Cotroceni, pe Connie Hedegaard, comisar european pentru Combaterea Schimbarilor Climatice, cu care a discutat despre negocierile pentru un acord international post-Kyoto si despre obiectivele UE in domeniu, transmite Mediafax.
Accesări: 167
03.06.2010 Romania, intre Copenhaga si Cancun: Sulfina Barbu: Trebuie sa facem un compromis pentru noi, nu pentru mediu
"Ce nu s-a inteles la Copenhaga este ca trebuie sa facem un compromis pentru noi, nu pentru mediu", a declarat Sulfina Barbu, presedintele Comisiei de Mediu si Administrare Teritoriala, in cadrul conferintei "Romania, intre Copenhaga si Cancun".
Accesări: 170
02.06.2010 New round of climate negotiation begins
A FRESH round of negotiations kicked off Monday in another attempt to get global agreement on a treaty to meet climate change with representatives of 182 United Nations member-states in attendance at the meeting in Bonn, Germany.
Accesări: 247
02.06.2010 Climate change to hurt Egypt farming, tourism
(Reuters) - Egypt's farming and tourism sectors could be hurt as climate change takes its toll on the country, fuelling food security concerns in what is already the world's largest wheat importer, an environment official said.
Accesări: 323
01.06.2010 Second round of climate talks in 2010 starts to pave way for Cancun
The second round of UN climate talks in 2010 started in Bonn Monday, focusing on issues that remained unsolved in Copenhagen and paving the way for the Cancun meeting in Mexico in December.
Accesări: 234
01.06.2010 Bonn climate change talks aim to pick up the pieces from Copenhagen
A FRESH round of UN climate change talks got under way in Bonn yesterday in an effort to pick up the pieces after last December’s summit in Copenhagen and pave the way for firmer action.
Accesări: 242
01.06.2010 Studiu: UE ar trebui sa impuna o taxa pe emisii statelor in curs de dezvoltare
Uniunea Europeana ar trebui sa dea curs planurilor de a impune o taxa de carbon statelor in curs de dezvoltare care nu iau masuri pentru reducerea emisiilor, arata un studiu citat de Earth Times.
Accesări: 192
01.06.2010 Prezenta liderilor mondiali a paralizat summitul de la Copenhaga
O scrisoare din partea ONU devenita publica in presa arata ca summitul pe tema schimbarilor climatice care a avut loc in decembrie 2009 la Copenhaga nu s-a incheiat cu un acord global din cauza prezentei unui numar foarte mare de lideri de stat, scrie The Guardian.
Accesări: 160
01.06.2010 Noptile, din ce in ce mai calde
Numarul noptilor foarte calduroase dintr-un an, periculoase pentru persoanele in varsta, ar putea sa creasca de cinci ori pana in 2040, arata un studiu Met Office, citat de The Telegraph.
Accesări: 165
01.06.2010 Fonduri climatice UE de 8,5 milioane de euro pentru Bangladesh
Uniunea Europeana va oferi statului Bangladesh un grant de 8,5 milioane de euro pentru a implementa un plan de actiune strategic impotriva schimbarilor climatice, scrie Xinhua.
Accesări: 159
31.05.2010 Global climate deal 'a year' away
THE comprehensive Copenhagen Accord on climate change formulated last year in Denmark will have to wait another year before it becomes a legally-binding treaty.
Accesări: 373
31.05.2010 Cancun talks may bring in no accord
The climate conference in Mexico this year may not witness any legal accord on cutting greenhouse gases or fund commitment for the countries vulnerable to climate change impacts, two leading climate change experts said yesterday.
Accesări: 1341
31.05.2010 Consilierul stiintific al guvernului britanic ii critica pe scepticii incalzirii globale
Consilierul stiintific al guvernului Marii Britanii, prof. John Beddington, i-a criticat pe scepticii care contesta teoria incalzirii globale, potrivit The Guardian.
Accesări: 225
31.05.2010 Un acord climatic la Cancun, sub semnul intrebarii
Conferinta pe tema schimbarilor climatice care va avea loc in Mexic anul acesta s-ar putea finaliza fara vreun acord global de reducere a gazelor cu efect de sera, potrivit expertilor citati de The Daily Star.
Accesări: 207
30.05.2010 Prudence now the watchword as UN climate talks resume
PARIS (AFP) – UN climate talks resume in Bonn on Monday with negotiators branded by caution after the near-fiasco of the Copenhagen summit six months ago.
Accesări: 378
28.05.2010 SUA: Legea schimbarilor climatice nu se contureaza pentru 2010
Legislatia pentru combaterea schimbarilor climatice are sanse minime de a fi adoptata de catre senatorii americani anul acesta, potrivit unui grup de experti citati de Reuters.
Accesări: 204
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