White House Seeks to Bolster Role in Senate Climate Talks
The White House is trying to assert its influence over the Senate climate debate after President Obama's nationwide energy address left some questioning how aggressively the president will push for comprehensive climate and energy legislation. |
Japan delays emissions trading laws
Japan is the latest developed nation to see emissions trading plans delayed but has vowed to see legislation passed in time for the UN climate conference in Mexico at the end of the year. |
EcoGreenland: Incalzirea globala este o realitate
Expeditia EcoGreenland a celor doi alpinisti romani, Ticu Lacatusu si Cornel Coman, s-a finalizat cu succes, dupa 37 de zile in care au parcurs 650 de kilometri pe schiuri, traversand Groenlanda de la est la vest. |
Connie Hedegaard: „UE isi va pastra pozitia de lider verde doar prin tinte ambitioase”
Trebuie sa fim ambitiosi si sa ne luam angajamente serioase de inverzire a economiilor europene, in ciuda efectelor crizei mondiale, crede noul comisar european pentru Combaterea Schimbarilor Climatice, Connie Hedegaard. Intr-un interviu acordat „Green Report” cu ocazia vizitei sale la Bucuresti, oficialul european arata ca, nu peste mult timp, pozitia de lider in combaterea schimbarilor climatice va fi revendicata de economiile cu investitii masive in tehnologiile verzi, precum China, Coreea de Sud sau Brazilia. |
Tribes prepare for impacts of climate change
"Let’s clear up some misconceptions about global climate change,” Lara Whitely Binder, of the Climate Impacts Group, told tribal representatives gathered at a climate change adaptation training course. |
EPA Finds Senate Climate Bill Affordable
U.S. environmental regulators said on Tuesday the climate and energy bill in the Senate would only add slightly to average household costs, but the finding was not expected to boost chances for the legislation that would cap greenhouse gas emissions. |
British diplomat says Canada overstating progress in climate change fight
OTTAWA — Environment Minister Jim Prentice found himself upstaged on Tuesday, following a speech about cracking down on pollution from coal-fired power plants, as a foreign diplomat suggested the Canadian minister was overstating the big picture about international progress in fighting climate change. |
Japan govt says climate bill may come later in year
Japan's cabinet will try to push its climate change bill through the country's upper house later in the year if it runs out of time in the current parliamentary session, a senior government official said. |
Poor nations dismayed over draft
The Bonn climate talks ended last Friday with developing countries strongly criticising a new draft of a global deal which surprisingly eliminated some of their most important proposals. |
Mood thaws on climate change
IT WAS never going to be easy for the representatives of 184 countries meeting in Bonn last week to deal with the debris left scattered after the inconclusive result of last December’s UN climate change summit in Copenhagen. |
Harper pressured to put climate change on G8, G20 agenda
OTTAWA — It was described by Prime Minister Stephen Harper as a “sideshow,” but international leaders are mounting pressure on the Canadian government to include climate change as a major issue on the agenda at upcoming G8 and G20 economic summits in Huntsville, Ont., and Toronto. |