ONU cauta un „plan B” in lipsa unui acord post Kyoto
ONU ia in calcul reducerea numarului de state implicate in negocierile climatice, astfel incat sa se ajunga cat mai rapid la un acord global de reducere a emisiilor de carbon, care sa inlocuiasca protocolul de la Kyoto, scrie The Guardian. |
Anul 2010, cel mai cald pentru planeta
Expertii in clima considera ca au nevoie de timp pentru a putea explica temperaturile ridicate din primele sase luni ale lui 2010, considerate cele mai ridicate temperaturi inregistrate pe planeta pana in prezent, comenteaza AFP, citata de Mediafax. |
Gheata de pe Everest se topeste alarmant
Ghetariide muntelui Everest se micsoreaza vazand cu ochii, relateaza Telegraph. Doua fotografii efectuate la o diferenta de 86 de ani arata o alarmanta topire a ghetii. |
Record de caldura pe Pamant in luna iunie
Luna iunie a marcat un record de caldura, potrivit graficelor existente, iar temperatura medie din perioada aprilie-iunie a avut cea mai ridicata valoare inregistrata pana in prezent, potrivit masuratorilor Agentiei oceanice si atmosferice americane (NOAA), publicate joi si citate de Mediafax. |
Senate Climate Bill Falls Short Of Copenhagen Aim
A scaled-back climate change bill Senate Democrats are considering would achieve far less than President Barack Obama promised at a U.N. global warming conference last year -- but even this may be too much for Congress. |
Ministrii din UE cer majorarea tintei de reducere a emisiilor
Uniunea Europeana trebuie sa isi majoreze targetul de reducere a emisiilor pentru a face fata competiei cu Japonia, SUA si China in cursa tehnologiilor verzi, au convenit ministrii celor mai importante state din UE, informeaza Earth Times. |
Harta interactiva a schimbarilor climatice
Guvernul britanic a lansat miercuri, in parteneriat cu Google Earth, o harta interactiva care arata posibilele efecte ale schimbarilor climatice, potrivit BusinessGreen. |
Environment's Poverty-Fighting Potential Largely Ignored
The environment remains a second-tier matter in Latin America and the Caribbean despite being interwoven with persistent poverty and stalled economic development in the region, according to a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme. |
China’s CO2 emissions need to peak by 2020: IEA
BEIJING - China’s emissions of carbon dioxide need to peak by 2020 if the world is to meet its 2050 targets aimed at curbing climate change, the head of the International Energy Agency said on Thursday. IEA director Nobuo Tanaka, in Beijing to launch a new report into clean energy technologies |
UN Eyes Private Help in $100 Billion Climate Aid
UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- A pledge by rich nations in Copenhagen to provide as much as $100 billion a year of climate-related aid to developing countries by 2020 may depend in part on the generosity of private donors and other non-governmental sources. |
UN chief calls for delivery on climate change financing
UN Secretary-general Ban Ki- moon on Tuesday reiterated the need for world leaders to deliver sizable financial support to developing countries to fund their efforts in mitigating and adapting to climate change. |
New York talks to tackle climate financing deadlock
The latest round of crucial UN-backed talks to identify how to raise climate finance for developing countries will take place in New York later today, with the UK warning that progress is essential to the chances of an international climate treaty being agreed. |
Climate to warm at double rate
THE world is heading for an average temperature rise of nearly 4 degrees, according to a global analysis of national pledges. Such a rise would bring a high risk of major extinctions, threats to food supplies and the near-total collapse of the huge Greenland ice sheet. |