Climate change is inevitable, says Caroline Spelman
Britain can no longer stop global warming and must instead focus on adapting to the ‘inevitable’ impacts of climate change such as floods, droughts and rising sea levels, Government ministers will warn this week. |
Schimbarea climei este inevitabilă
"Deja ne confruntăm cu nişte schimbări climatice inevitabile" este mesajul cu care secretarul britanic pentru Mediu, Caroline Spelman, se va prezenta în Parlament, potrivit The Daily Telegraph. Deşi guvernul va continua să militeze pentru reducerea emisiilor de dioxid de carbon, Spelman consideră că este cazul să se elaboreze planuri pentru protejarea de inundaţii şi crearea de rezerve de apă pentru verile secetoase. |
China summit told 'act now' on climate
An international economic gathering in China has been told governments and business leaders need to act urgently on climate change. The three day World Economic Forum's Asian meeting has been opened by premier Wen Jiabao in Tianjin, south of the capital, Beijing. Over one thousand delegates will discuss resource limits, the role of Asia's soft power, and the Korean peninsula. |
Stand by for the greenest leader ever – whichever Miliband wins
OK, so the race between the Milibands is tightening, with a poll today suggesting that Ed may squeeze out his brother with second preference votes. But many environmentalists are sanguine about the result, whichever wins – for either will be far the greenest Labour leader yet. |
Rich States Should Pay For Africa Mineral Advice: Panel
Rich countries should pay for African governments to get advice on negotiating the best deals for exploiting their natural resources, a panel set up by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Monday. |
Emisiile UE au scazut cu 7% in 2009
Emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera ale Uniunii Europene au scazut cu aproximativ 7 procente in 2009. Reducerea, cea mai mare din 1990 incoace, s-a datorat crizei economice,a anuntat Agentia Europeana de Protectie a Mediului (EEA). |
Kyoto Protocol to continue past 2012: UN climate chief
NEW DELHI: As hopes for any deal on global warming dims at the Cancun meet later this year, UN climate chief Christiana Figueres today made it clear that the Kyoto Protocol will continue post 2012 as a second protocol since it does not have a "sunset" clause. |
Angajatii UNEP, dati jos din avion
Programul Natiunilor Unite pentru Mediu (UNEP) a anuntat ca va reduce numarul de angajati care calatoresc cu avionul si va diminua consumul de hartie si electricitate in birouri, anunta agentia de presa Xinhua. |
Carbon credit prices shoot up after probe constricts supply
Market pricing becomes uncertain after UN probe into data laundering.Prices of carbon credit certificates on the European climate exchange have risen after the regulator disallowed credits from greenhouse gas HFC-23 from a number of projects. Credits from such projects account for around 10 per cent of total carbon emission certificates (CERs). |
Nations rethink Copenhagen commitment on climate funding
The informal climate change ministerial talks in Geneva hosted by the Swiss government to overcome the hurdle of tong-term financing of mitigation and adaption measures and its regulation on climate change evoked mixed responses from the players and NGOs. |
World facing mass extinction: Australian scientist
Climate change, over-fishing and other human impacts have pushed the oceans to the brink of a mass extinction, which means tens of millions of years before a full recovery, an Australian scientist told media on Monday. |
Hope of deal in Cancun fades as rich break vow
Hope of progress on a global climate deal at the year-end Cancun summit is rapidly dimming with rich countries backtracking on their commitment to provide climate funds. Finance is a key issue for rebuilding trust among developing and developed countries. |
Climate Change affecting Bees
Climate change may be preventing bees from carrying out the vital job of pollination by upsetting their life cycles, a study has shown. |
Donatiile climatice pentru tarile sarace, facute publice on-line
ONU a lansat astazi un website prin care va controla daca statele dezvoltate isi respecta promisiunea de a contribui la fondul de 30 miliarde de dolari menit sa sprijine tarile sarace sa se adapteze la efectele schimbarilor climatice, relateazaReuters. |