Legally binding carbon cuts for India and China too: US
New York: If the international negotiations were to move in the direction of legally binding carbon emission cuts then all major economies, including India and China should be under an obligation to do so, the US said on Wednesday. |
Marile economii, neincrezatoare intr-un acord climatic
Marile economii ale lumii cred ca nici anul acesta nu se va ajunge la un acord climatic la summit-ul ONU de la Cancun si inca fac eforturi pentru a respecta obligatiile pe care si le-au asumat anul trecut, considera SUA, relateaza Reuters. |
Kremlin adviser says Kyoto can't stop climate change
The Kyoto Protocol will have virtually no impact on slowing global warming unless it expands to take in the United States, China and more developing countries, Russia's chief climate negotiator said on Wednesday. |
Topirea ghetii din Oceanul Arctic ameninta umanitatea
Aproximativ 800 de milioane de locuitori ai Planetei sunt amenintati de topirea ghetii in Oceanul Arctic, a anuntat, luni, presedintele Societatii geografice ruse si ministrul pentru Situatii de Urgenta, Serghei Soigu, citat de RIA Novosti in pagina electronica. |
Confab on forest and climate change to be held in Nov
A two-day international conference is to be held here in November to bring about greater awareness to various parties on the crucial role of reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD).“We want to explore what is in store for Sabah and hope to come up with a strategy on how best to move forward,” Datuk Sam Mannan, director of Sabah Forestry Department (SFD) said here yesterday. |
IATA urges governments to unite in support of climate efforts
Geneva: The International Air Transport Association (IATA) on Saturday called on the world's governments to unite in support of aviation's ambitious targets to offset climate change and agree to a global approach at the upcoming International Civil Aviation Organisation's (ICAO) Triennial Assembly in Montreal. |
Cancun climate change talks headed nowhere: Ramesh
India said that the international community should not expect much from the upcoming Climate Change summit in Cancun and underlined that the West should do more to achieve sustainable development. |
Ban’s talks with European Commission chief centre on development targets
As the United Nations summit assessing progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) got under way today, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon discussed how to ensure that those eight anti-poverty targets are reached during talks with the head of the European Commission (EC). |
Russia to launch new thermal generating projects
Several new energy projects are to be implemented in Russia shortly under the Kyoto protocol. One of the new generating units is to be sited at the Shatura power station outside of Moscow, and will help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by more than a million tons. |
World Leaders to Stick to U.N. Poverty Goals
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - World leaders will stick to promises to slash global poverty by 2015 at a United Nations summit in New York next week, but budget cutbacks in rich nations will keep them from setting ambitious new goals. |
Call for action over climate change
The UK needs to take action now to ensure it can cope with future changes in our climate, the committee set up to advise the Government on adapting to global warming has warned. |
Costa Rica seeks Japanese aid to achieve carbon neutral goal by 2021
Castro, who visited factories of Nissan Motor Co. (OOTC:NSANY) , Toyota Motor Corp. (NYSE:TM) and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. (OOTC:MMTOY) during his four-day trip through Wednesday, said in an interview with Kyodo News that the main obstacle to realizing the target is the transportation sector. |
China isi reduce consumul de combustibil fosil cu 6%
China isi va reduce consumul de combustibil fosil din productia de energie electrica la 85%, pana in 2020, de la 91% cat se inregistreaza in prezent, a anuntat economistul chinez Cheng Siwei in cadrul unei intalniri a Forumului Economic Mondial, informeaza agentia de presa Xinhua. |