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29.11.2010 Nations again try to bridge rich-poor climate gap
CANCUN, Mexico – World governments begin another attempt Monday to overcome the disconnect between rich and poor nations on fighting global warming, with evidence mounting that the Earth's climate already is changing in ways that will affect both sides of the wealth divide.
Accesări: 329
29.11.2010 Climate change scientists warn of 4C global temperature rise
The hellish vision of a world warmed by 4C within a lifetime has been set out by an international team of scientists, who say the glacial progress of the global climate change talks that restart in Mexico today makes the so-called safe limit of 2C impossible to keep. A 4C rise in the planet's temperature would see severe droughts across the world and millions of migrants seeking refuge as their food supplies collapse.
Accesări: 324
29.11.2010 Cum sa urmaresti COP 16 online
Summit-ul climatic de la Cancun va fi acoperit atat de posturile de televiziune si radio internationale, cat si de mediul online. Incepand de astazi pana pe 10 decembrie, reuniunea COP 16 va putea fi urmarita pas cu pas de internauti prin intermediul unor retele sociale precum Twitter si Facebook, pe bloguri, pe Youtube si pe site-ul propriu al evenimentului, relateaza „The Independent”.
Accesări: 248
29.11.2010 COP16: Numarul mortilor din cauza secetei si inundatiilor s-a dublat in ultimul an
Numarul persoanelor care au murit din cauza inundatiilor sau a secetei s-a dublat anul acesta, fata de 2009, au anuntat organizatiile umanitare prezente la summit-ul ONU de la Cancun (COP16). Acestea atrag atentia ca schimbarile climatice duc la cresterea in frecventa si intensitate a fenomenelor meteo, potrivit „The Telegraph”.
Accesări: 242
29.11.2010 Astăzi începe Conferinţa internaţională asupra climatului, la Cancun
Reprezentanţii a aproape 200 de ţări se întâlnesc, începând de luni până pe 10 decembrie, la Cancun în Mexic pentru a încerca să se înţeleagă asupra măsurilor destinate încetinirii schimbărilor climatice.
Accesări: 259
29.11.2010 ANALIZA: Care este miza summit-ului climatic de la Cancun?
Reprezentantii a 193 de guverne din intreaga lume se reunesc incepand de astazi si pana pe 10 decembrie la summit-ul climatic al ONU de la Cancun (COP 16), pentru a pune bazele unor noi reglementari globale care sa limiteze riscurile accelerarii schimbarilor climatice. Spre deosebire de conferinta climatica de anul trecut, de la Copenhaga (COP 15), evenimentul de anul acesta prefigureaza sanse minime de stabilirea unor tinte obligatorii de reducere a emisiilor pentru statele puternic industrializate. Dovada ca niciun sef de stat nu si-a anuntat inca participarea la summit, fapt ce va oferi oamenilor de stiinta si ecologistilor ocazia de a se face mai bine auziti.
Accesări: 242
29.11.2010 Оправдает ли 16-я Конференция сторон РКИК ООН низкие ожидания?
Почти год назад, когда 193 члена Рамочной Конвенции ООН об изменении климата (РКИК ООН) перенесли политические декларации Копенгагенского соглашения в окончательные решения своей ежегодной конференции, многие говорили, что соглашение никогда не будет реализовано. По мнению других, усиление политической воли, которое наблюдалось перед встречей в Копенгагене, могло сохраниться в течение 2010 г., что позволит достичь больших результатов в Канкуне. Однако накануне предстоящей 29 ноября – 10 декабря 2010 г. в Канкуне (Мексика) Конференции сторон РКИК ожидания низки. Многие ключевые страны и Исполнительный секретарь РКИК ООН Кристиана Фигейрас открыто заявили, что в рамках этого заседания не удастся достичь всеобъемлющего соглашения, включая договоренности о сокращении выбросов. В лучшем случае будет подготовлено небольшое пакетное соглашение, которое будет касаться деятельности по противодействию изменению климата, сельского хозяйства, раннего планирования новых институциональных механизмов, а также частично решать вопрос об обещанных фондах. Такое соглашение, по мнению наблюдателей, может поддержать переговорный дух на относительно высоком уровне.
Accesări: 257
29.11.2010 U.N. climate talks "risk losing relevance" - EU
International climate talks risk "losing momentum and relevance" if they fail to achieve concrete progress in the next two weeks, the Europe Union's climate chief warned on Monday.
Accesări: 341
29.11.2010 Time for compromise, troubled UN climate talks told
A new round of UN climate talks got under way on Monday to appeals for action and compromise after the squabbles that drove last year's global summit in Copenhagen close to disaster. Skip related content
Accesări: 341
26.11.2010 SUA risca un boicot comercial mondial daca nu-si iau angajamente de reducere a emisiilor
Celebrul specialist britanic in efectele economice ale schimbarilor climatice, Sir Nicholas Stern, a avertizat ca Statele Unite risca un boicot comercial pe plan mondial in cazul in care nu isi ia un angajament clar de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera, potrivit AFP.
Accesări: 222
26.11.2010 Rezolutie PE privind cresterea tintei de reducere a emisiilor de la 20%, la 30%
UE ar actiona in propriul sau interes economic daca ar creste obiectivul de reducere a emisiilor la 30%, se mentioneaza in textul unei rezolutii aprobate ieri de Parlamentul European. Documentul evidentiaza faptul ca angajamentele de protectie a padurilor si de sprijinul financiar promis tarilor in curs de dezvoltare sunt subiecte critice in ceea ce priveste evolutia negocierilor internationale ce vor avea loc Summit-ul de la Cancun, Mexic.
Accesări: 266
25.11.2010 Japanese industry bodies oppose extension of Kyoto Protocol
Nine Japanese industry groups on Wednesday urged the government not to support a plan proposed by some countries to extend the Kyoto Protocol, a legally binding emissions cut framework that expires in 2012.
Accesări: 337
25.11.2010 COP 16: Emisii in crestere, dar sperante din ce in ce mai mici pentru Cancun
Nivelul de gaze cu efect de sera a continuat sa creasca in 2009, arata un studiu realizat de Organizatia Meteorologica Mondiala (OMM), citat de BBC.
Accesări: 165
24.11.2010 Greenhouse gases rise to record levels in 2009: WMO
Greenhouse gas concentrations reached record levels in 2009, the UN's weather agency said Wednesday, warning that global warming could set off even greater methane emissions from the Arctic.
Accesări: 352
24.11.2010 EU to offer Kyoto compromise in Cancun
The EU will agree to a second commitment period for the Kyoto Protocol, provided a number of reforms are made to the international agreement and it is accompanied by a parallel second treaty that covers those countries that currently have no legal obligations under Kyoto.
Accesări: 331
24.11.2010 COP 16: Un nou raport ONU subliniaza riscurile globale in cazul unui esec la Cancun
Cu cateva zile inainte de summit-ul climatic de la Cancun, un nou raport al ONU arata ca guvernele lumii trebuie sa se angajeze mai ferm in promisiunea de a reduce emisiile de carbon, relateaza CNN.
Accesări: 224
23.11.2010 India can play key role at Cancun: US
"India had a very important role last year in Copenhagen, and I think India will have a very important role this year, particularly if we have a chance of getting anywhere," US Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern told reporters Monday.
Accesări: 288
23.11.2010 Global Impact Of EU 30 Pct Carbon Cut Small:IEA
New European Union proposals for a tough cut in carbon dioxide emissions would have only a limited impact on the global warming process, International Energy Agency chief economist told Reuters on Monday.
Accesări: 316
23.11.2010 EU Says May Unveil CO2 Credit Curb Plan In Cancun
The European Commission said on Monday a proposal to limit the use of some carbon credits from industrial gas projects in its emissions trading scheme might be unveiled during a United Nations climate summit in Mexico next week.
Accesări: 325
23.11.2010 Confident of progress at climate change conference: UN
Looking ahead to the United Nations climate change conference beginning in Cancún next week, a senior official with the world body said on Monday that talks could yield real results but was cautious to keep expectations realistic.
Accesări: 308
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