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12.01.2011 Ban Ki-moon expected at Abu Dhabi green summit
The UN's top diplomat is arriving in Abu Dhabi next week.Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, will be among the high-profile delegates set to gather at the World Future Energy Summit.
Accesări: 231
12.01.2011 Inundatiile din Australia, alimentate de efectele incalzirii globale
Una dintre cauzele ploilor abundente care au inundat Australia este incalzirea globala, iar fenomenele extreme vor continua timp de cateva luni, potrivit unor oameni de stiintacitati de Reuters.
Accesări: 299
12.01.2011 EU Says Members Show Support for CO2 Offsets Limits
European Union Climate Chief Connie Hedegaard said the bloc’s member states showed “broad support” for a proposed ban on certain United Nations carbon offsets related to industrial gases.
Accesări: 190
12.01.2011 ‘Group of 77’ developing nations must play role in advancing UN priorities, Ban says
The bloc of developing nations known as the “Group of 77 and China” must make its voice heard in achieving a full spectrum of United Nations goals, from global anti-poverty targets to tackling climate change to empowering women, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today.
Accesări: 209
12.01.2011 Anul 2010, celmaicaldînregistratîn Canada înultimii 63 de ani
Anul 2010 a fostcelmaicaldînregistratîn Canada înultimii 63 de ani, de la începereafurnizării de date meteorlogice, cu o temperaturămediemai mare cu 3 grade Celsius decâtceanormală, se aratăîntr-un raportpublicatmarţi de MinisterulMediului, citat de AFP.
Accesări: 157
11.01.2011 Guyana calls for meaningful collective action to combat climate change
Translating negotiating positions into meaningful collective action is long overdue in efforts to combat climate change. That's what Guyana's President BharratJagdeo told the 16th conference of the parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. He said this can only happen if political leaders make the necessary decisions and stand by them.
Accesări: 265
10.01.2011 Why the CIA is spying on a changing climate
WASHINGTON — Last summer, as torrential rains flooded Pakistan, a veteran intelligence analyst watched closely from his desk at CIA headquarters just outside the capital.
Accesări: 247
10.01.2011 Groenlanada va supravietuischimbarilor climatice
Ghetarii din Alpi ar putea sa dispara pana in anul 2100, la fel si o parte din Antarctica, pana in anul 3000, din cauza schimbarilor climatice, iar nivelul marilor va creste cu patru metri, scrie revista „NatureGeoscience” care citeaza doua studii de specialitate.
Accesări: 137
10.01.2011 Climate change prompts debate among experts about spread of tropical diseases
The room where 10,000 Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes hatch each week is hot and humid and smells like the tropics - an appropriate surrogate for a warming world. The Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute in Baltimore, where the insects are raised, was created with a billionaire's anonymous donation a decade ago, after a map printed in Scientific American suggested that by 2020 malaria could be breaking out in Baltimore, and across the eastern United States and Europe.
Accesări: 280
09.01.2011 Warming to devastate glaciers, Antarctic icesheet - studies
PARIS — Global warming may wipe out three-quarters of Europe's alpine glaciers by 2100 and hike sea levels by four metres (13 feet) by the year 3000 through melting the West Antarctic icesheet, two studies published on Sunday said.
Accesări: 206
09.01.2011 Rival plays on climate change go head to head on London stage
Two leading London theatres tackle the controversial subject of climate change in plays opening next month. The works will be the first about global warming staged by major companies in the UK.
Accesări: 257
06.01.2011 Climate Change May Result in More Skin Disease
LAS VEGAS – Some of the effects of climate change are beginning to appear in dermatologists’ offices, and there may be more to come.
Accesări: 256
06.01.2011 A year in the hot seat
Commissioner vows to push for climate deal and praises ‘balanced' agreement at Cancún.
Accesări: 195
05.01.2011 Statul Massachusetts planuieste sa-si reduca emisiile cu 25% pana in 2020
05.01.2011Secretarul de Afaceri de Energie si Mediu (AEM) al statului Massachusetts, Ian Bowles, a anuntat un plan ambitios de limitare a emisiilor pentru statul sau, informeaza Treehugger. Tinta AEM este reducerea cu 25% a cantitatii de emisii pana in 2020, comparativ cu nivelul inregistrat in 1990.
Accesări: 156
04.01.2011 New Congress Could Roll Back Environmental Progress
DENVER - The 112th U.S. Congress gets to work in Washington today, and there could be some big changes in the way the nation approaches energy policies. Nearly every state has a representative or senator who denies the science of climate change, and that includes Colorado freshman Congressman Cory Gardner. Gardner has said while he doesn't doubt that the earth is warming, he questions whether the condition is caused by human activities.
Accesări: 244
04.01.2011 Natural disasters caused big losses for insurers in 2010
Leading reinsurer Munich Re said Monday that extreme natural catastrophes in 2010 led to the sixth-highest total loss for insurers since 1980 and showed evidence of climate change.
Accesări: 215
03.01.2011 Political Battle Brewing over the EPA's New Emissions Regulations
All in all, 2010 was a year to forget for environmentalists — carbon cap-and-trade legislation died, international climate talks sputtered and even the clean-tech market took a hit — and 2011 isn't looking much better. The incoming class of Republicans taking over the House in January features no shortage of members who deny the connection between man-made greenhouse-gas emissions and a warming planet — let alone think it's worth trying to lower those emissions.
Accesări: 250
03.01.2011 Munich Re: dezastrele din 2010 par să confirme teoria schimbărilor climaterice
Cea mai mare companie de reasigurări din lume a anunţat că în 2010 dezastrele naturale au omorât pe planetă aproape 300.000 de oameni şi au provocat pagube de 130 de miliarde de dolari.
Accesări: 165
02.01.2011 Review: The silver lining of climate change
An ancient Chinese curse says, “May you live in interesting times.” This utterly absorbing book, subtitled Four Forces Shaping Civilization’s Northern Future, forecasts interesting times indeed, especially for the eight nations that comprise the Arctic Rim countries: Canada, the U.S., Russia, Iceland, Greenland (Denmark), Norway, Sweden and Finland.
Accesări: 241
01.01.2011 World natural disasters
2010 may go down in history as a year that set an absolute number of records in terms of natural cataclysms. The eruption of the Eyjafjallaökull volcano in Iceland actually paralyzed air traffic in Europe; there were hurricanes in America, snowstorms in Europe, earthquakes and volcano eruptions in Indonesia and Haiti, inundations in Pakistan, and drought in Russia.
Accesări: 256
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