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10.02.2011 U.K. Sales of Carbon Permits About to Break 1 Billion Euros
The U.K. is set to break 1 billion euros ($1.4 billion) in proceeds from carbon auctions, and the money should go to help the climate and poor people, according to Carbon Retirement Ltd.
Accesări: 2434
10.02.2011 CDM is a work in progress: UN climate chief
Clearing the air about the future of clean development mechanism (CDM), a market-based instrument under the Kyoto Protocol enabling developed countries to invest in developing countries to offset carbon emissions, UN climate change chief Christiana Figueres said, “CDM is a work in progress.”
Accesări: 344
08.02.2011 State eyes carbon credits through tree campaign
The ambitious rural tree plantation scheme — where the government wanted every villager to plant at least on tree each — will soon be taken to the next level. After having achieved planting of 5.93 crore over the past one-and-half-year, just a few lakhs short of the magic figure of 6.25 crore trees “I have asked the department to do a survey of the trees and see how they have been planted. Apparently, only trees which are planted in a linear method are eligible for earning carbon credits,” said rural development minister Jayant Patil.
Accesări: 292
08.02.2011 'Climate change of serious global concern'
LUDHIANA: Climate change is a serious global issue of great concern to different countries. So said Dr Manjit Singh Kang, PAU vice-chancellor, on the opening day of a three-day international conference on 'Preparing Agriculture for Climate Change' at Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) on Sunday.
Accesări: 299
07.02.2011 Climate-triggered migration to grow
MANILA - Governments in Asia and the Pacific need to prepare for growing climate-induced migration in the coming years, says a forthcoming report of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Accesări: 299
06.02.2011 We need action for reducing emissions: UNFCCC official
The Delhi Sustainable DevelopmentSummit concluded here today with a top UN climate changeofficial calling for action at global and national levels toreduce emission of greenhouse gasses.
Accesări: 328
05.02.2011 We expect leadership from India: UN climate chief
India played an “exceedingly helpful role” in the last climate summit and “we expect the same this year and beyond”, UN climate chief Christiana Figueres said here on Saturday. “India represented its own interests and stood firm with other developing countries, and then was incredibly helpful it’s mostly in the interest of developing countries to move forward” to combat global warming, said Figueres, executive secretary to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Accesări: 233
05.02.2011 Secetele din Amazon provoacă panică în rândul oamenilor de ştiinţă
Cele două perioade de secetă severă ce au lovit în ultimii ani zona Amazonului ridică semne de întrebare despre viitorul regiunii ca filtru al emisiilor de carbon.
Accesări: 273
05.02.2011 Încălzirea globala îl ucide pe Wolverine
Şi nu pe celebrul personaj de benzi desenate şi filme din seria X Men, ci pe ferocele mamifer carnivor care a servit drept model inspiraţional pentru eroul cu gheare metalice şi schelet din adamantin. Cunoscut în limba română sub mai multe denumiri precum jder flămânzilă, jder mâncăcios, gluton, sau polifag, volverinul este celebru pentru forţa, vitalitatea, curajul şi agresivitatea sa. Cu toate acestea, niciuna dintre calităţile mai sus enumerate se pare că nu-l vor salva în cazul intensificării procesului de încălzire globală.
Accesări: 207
04.02.2011 Special report: Catastrophic drought in the Amazon
A widespread drought in the Amazon rainforest last year caused the "lungs of the world" to produce more carbon dioxide than they absorbed, potentially leading to a dangerous acceleration of global warming. Scientists have calculated that the 2010 drought was more intense than the "one-in-100-year" drought of 2005.
Accesări: 289
04.02.2011 No concrete or final pronouncement at Durban expected: Ramesh
New Delhi, Feb 4 (PTI) India is not expecting any "concrete" or "final pronouncement" at the climate conclave in Durban later this year on four key issues, including one pertaining to emission cuts.
Accesări: 244
04.02.2011 Environment institute warns of anti-migrants prejudice amid climate change
Governments risk adopting policies that increase people's vulnerability to climate change because of a general prejudice against migration, says a new report published on Friday.
Accesări: 296
04.02.2011 Australian disasters spark call for climate action
(Reuters) - An architect of Australia's stalled climate-change policy has linked the nation's recent natural disasters with global warming and called for a new political push to cut carbon emissions.
Accesări: 301
04.02.2011 Din „burete” care absoarbe CO2, padurea amazoniana devine producator de emisii
Seceta care a afectat anul trecut padurea amazoniana a avut un impact masiv asupra incalzirii climatice globale, mai mare decat activitatea industriala si umana a SUA pe un an, se arata intr-un raport comun al oamenilor de stiinta britanici si brazilieni.
Accesări: 202
04.02.2011 Amazonul, lovit de cea mai cruntă secetă din ultimul secol
Amazonul a fost lovit de cea mai gravă secetă din ultimul secol, mult mai cruntă decât cea din 2005, care a avut efecte dezastruoase asupra pădurilor tropicale şi a oamenilor care trăiesc acolo.
Accesări: 202
03.02.2011 UN report lauds India for adding 300,000 hectares of forest every year
Asia is leading afforestation activity in the world with a significant contribution from India which is adding 300,000 hectares of forest every year, a senior UN official said. "I would highlight India, which still has important population growth. The forests in India are growing at 300,000 hectare per annum," Eduardo Rojas Briales, Forestry Director of Food and Agriculture Organisation told journalists on Wednesday.
Accesări: 217
03.02.2011 UN launches International Year of Forests
The United Nations on Wednesday launched the International Year of Forests -- a year- long celebration of the vital role that forests play in the lives of the people across the world.
Accesări: 297
03.02.2011 UN chief urges the world to realize full potential of forests
Marking the launch of the International Year of Forests, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Wednesday called on the world to realize the full potential of forests to ensure future prosperity.
Accesări: 255
02.02.2011 Europe must invest €2.9tn to meet 2020 emissions goal
European firms and governments will need to spend €2.9tn over the next decade to deliver the renewable energy and low-carbon infrastructure necessary to meet 2020 emissions reductions targets.
Accesări: 293
02.02.2011 AP sources: House GOP readies restrictions on EPA
WASHINGTON – In a sharp challenge to the Obama administration, House Republican leaders intend to unveil legislation to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases, officials said. They expect to advance the bill quickly.
Accesări: 286
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