U.N. climate talks seen missing aid plan deadline
A plan by almost 200 countries to step up efforts to fight climate change is set to miss a March deadline for starting work on a green fund to help developing nations, delegates said on Wednesday. |
UN urges government to implement Cancun accord
New York : The United Nations climate change chief on Tuesday called on governments to quickly transform the agreements reached in the Mexican city of Cancún last year into tangible action on the ground, and provide clarity on the future of the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gases emissions. |
'Fate of Kyoto Protocol should be resolved'
United Nations: Nations participating in the next United Nations climate conference in South Africa should resolve the future of the Kyoto Protocol, UN climate chief Christina Figueres has said. |
UN climate chief warns Durban offers last chance for carbon market clarity
The head of the UN climate change secretariat has warned the future of the global carbon market could be thrown into doubt unless this year's annual climate change summit in Durban reaches an agreement on how to replace or extend the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol when it ends in 2012. |
EU ETS endorsed as growing more cost effective
Confidence is growing in the EU’s emissions trading scheme (EU ETS), according to respondents to the sixth annual carbon market survey carried out by Thomson Reuters Point Carbon. |
SA a major global polluter
South Africa is the world’s 13th biggest emitter of greenhouse gases that are causing human-induced global climate change, Parliament’s portfolio committee on water and environmental affairs has heard. |
China Vows To Cut Energy, Carbon Intensity By 2015
China aims to cut the amount of energy and carbon dioxide emissions needed for every unit of economic growth by 16 to 17 percent from this year to the end of 2015, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said on Sunday. |
Incalzirea globala, subiect fierbinte pentru Hollywood
„Aveti puterea de a influenta milioane si chiar miliarde de oameni de pe cuprinsul planetei. A face Pamantul sustenabil din punct de vedere al mediului este un imperativ moral si politic. Avem nevoie de sustinerea voastra!”, a indemnat secretarul general al ONU, Ban Ki-Moon, reprezentantilor industriei de la Hollywood, intr-o intalnire concentrata asupra mai multor teme precum recentele valuri de caldura, inundatii, incendii si perioade de seceta. |
UE ar putea dubla pretul emisiilor de carbon
Uniunea Europeana ar putea dubla pretul emisiilor de carbon in urmatorii 20 de ani pentru a reduce poluarea, potrivit unui document al autoritatilor de la Bruxelles. |
RAPORT. Tinta de reducere a emisiilor cu 30% in UE, avantaj financiar pentru Romania
O crestere a tintei UE de reducere a emisiilor de la 20% la 30%, pana in 2020, ar reprezenta un avantaj financiar pentru Romania, deoarece ar creste pretul certificatelor de carbon de care dispune tara noastra si ar reduce costurile de sanatate cu 1,4 miliarde de euro, potrivit unui raport recent al retelei Climate Action Network Europe. |
Care sunt principalele gaze cu efect de sera emise de om?
Efectul de sera este sporit semnificativ de emisiile de gaze poluante care provin din activitatile industriale sau din orice alt tip de activitati umane, iar vaporii de apa, influentati direct sau indirect de activitatile umane, reprezinta principala cauza a incalzirii globale, scrie „The Guardian”. |
privind lansarea activităţilor în vederea perfectării Comunicării Naţionale Trei conform angajamentelor faţă de Convenţia–cadru a Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite cu privire la schimbarea climei. |
China Plans To Rein In Heavy Metal Pollution
China's environmental protection agency has vowed to curb heavy metal pollution in a bid to cut widespread industrial contaminants like lead that have poisoned children and sparked protests. |
Binding deal at Durban climate talks unlikely
ALTHOUGH politically difficult, it was important to aim for a binding agreement at climate change negotiations in Durban in December, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) climate policy advocate Tasneem Essop said yesterday. |
US has modest goals for S. Africa climate talks
JOHANNESBURG – The U.S. does not expect this year's climate change conference in South Africa to yield a binding international agreement to stop global warming, the top U.S. negotiator said Monday. |
Tougher EU climate goal could boost GDP: study
(Reuters) - A tougher European Union goal for cutting greenhouse gas emissions could create jobs and boost economic growth by 2020, rather than slow it down as many EU governments fear, a study said on Monday. |
UN unveils vision for global green economy
PARIS, Monday 21 February 2011 (AFP) - The United Nations Monday unveiled a strategy to ensure a sustainable future for the planet by investing two percent of wealth generated by the global economy, or some 1.3 trillion dollars annually, in ten key sectors. |