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12.10.2011 EU reform plans target greener, fairer farm subsidies
(Reuters) - The EU's executive proposed on Wednesday making farm subsidies fairer and more environmentally friendly, in a bid to win support for keeping EU agricultural spending at about 55 billion euro-a-year ($75 billion-a-year) up to 2020.
Accesări: 265
11.10.2011 UN issues call for green public-private partnerships
The UN's climate change secretariat has issued a call for green public-private partnerships around the world to contact the agency. This is part of an initiative designed to highlight innovative projects that demonstrate co-operation between businesses and the public sector.
Accesări: 256
08.10.2011 Ambitions in check on global climate deal
With just weeks to go before UN talks on climate change open in South Africa, negotiators have shifted their goal from striking a historic deal to ensuring that the global system survives.
Accesări: 308
06.10.2011 Ministers to review extension of the Kyoto Protocol beyond 2012
EU wants legally binding deal to succeed Kyoto; presidency wants agreed stance ahead of Durban.
Accesări: 245
05.10.2011 Gheturile arctice au ajuns la al doilea cel mai mic nivel din istorie
In luna septembrie, intinderea gheturilor care acopera Oceanul Arctic au ajuns la al doilea cel mai mic nivel din istorie.
Accesări: 173
05.10.2011 Europa se transforma in desert
Studii recente, facute de Organizatia Natiunilor Unite (ONU), arata ca o jumatate din teritoriul Uniunii Europene se va desertifica pana in 2021, potrivit
Accesări: 165
05.10.2011 G77 and China insists continuation of Kyoto Protocol not up for negotiation
The last round of UN climate change negotiations ahead of this year's main conference in Durban is likely to end in deadlock, after the G77 and China group of developing countries told diplomats gathering in Panama that it remains fiercely opposed to any attempt to phase out the Kyoto Protocol.
Accesări: 298
05.10.2011 Countries Struggle at Panama Climate Meeting on Road to Durban
Climate change measures with trade implications continue to create friction during negotiations taking place in Panama City, Panama this week as part of the final preparations for December’s United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP). Two major areas of discussion have already spurred countries to come forth with strongly-worded proposals in efforts to safeguard trade and economic development. The first relates to the possible negative impacts of unilateral measures taken to address climate change; the second relates to global sectoral approaches to mitigate emissions.
Accesări: 211
02.10.2011 EU urges roadmap this year on climate action
PANAMA CITY — The European Union urged all nations Sunday to make clear how they will tackle climate change, saying the world needs a roadmap this year on future action even if a treaty appears out of reach.
Accesări: 292
02.10.2011 Spuneti adio Arcticii, asa cum o stiti
Daca vreti sa vedeti cu ochii vostri cum se schimba clima, mergeti spre nord - mult spre nord. Nu este foarte usor de ajuns in zona arctica, insa este ultima sansa de a o vedea asa cum este, inainte de a se transforma pentru totdeauana.
Accesări: 166
29.09.2011 India submits 'international assessment and review' plan relted to emission reduction targets to UNFCCC
As the possibility of continuing with emission reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol for developed countries grows dim, India has stepped up its efforts to ensure a rigorous and robust system of international assessment and review for developed countries.
Accesări: 325
29.09.2011 France eyes new carbon tax in 2012 budget
France's conservative government is including a new one-off carbon levy in its €11 billion cuts package, but weakening growth may spell even more belt-tightening to meet sacrosanct deficit targets.
Accesări: 395
29.09.2011 Ciocolata, topita de schimbarile climatice
Sute de fermieri care cultiva arborele de cacao in Ghana si Coasta de Fildes, tari din Africa de Vest, vor fi obligati sa-si relocheze culturile din cauza temperaturilor aflate in crestere, scrie „The Ecologist”, care citeaza un raport realizat de Centrul International de Agricultura Tropicala.
Accesări: 334
28.09.2011 Island Nation Girds for Legal Battle Against Industrial Emissions
The Republic of Palau requested last week that the International Court of Justice issue a legal opinion on climate change, a move which -- if successful -- could have a major impact on international law.
Accesări: 354
26.09.2011 Which countries will get hit hardest by climate change?
The Global Adaptation Institute has put out its annual index showing which countries will likely suffer most from global warming. Light-blue countries, like Canada and Denmark, are relatively well-positioned to adapt to a hotter climate (though the key word there is “relatively”). Nations in red and purple, like Bangladesh or Mali, don’t fare so well. Countries in gray, like Russia and China, fall somewhere in the middle:
Accesări: 348
26.09.2011 Health and Climate Change: 7 Ways You Are Being Harmed
From the increase in frequency of heatwaves to the spread of infectious diseases, changing weather patterns are already affecting us all
Accesări: 385
26.09.2011 House Passes Bill To Block EPA Clean Air Rules
The House of Representatives passed a bill on Friday to block regulations that force industry to reduce unhealthy air emissions, such as mercury from coal-fired power plants, but the White House has promised to veto the measure and keep new clean air rules in place.
Accesări: 341
26.09.2011 China Considers Policy Shift To Boost Shale Gas
China may treat shale gas as separate from conventional hydrocarbons to encourage companies outside of state-owned industry to invest, government officials said on Sunday.
Accesări: 306
23.09.2011 World can beat desertification: UN chief
Deserts keep growing around the world, but the process can be reversed if governments act in time, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said Tuesday.
Accesări: 316
22.09.2011 2015 climate deal deadline ‘realistic’
A proposal by Norway and Australia to finalise a new international climate framework by 2015 has been welcomed by market participants as a “realistic” proposal.
Accesări: 337
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