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27.11.2011 Figueres: Alarm bells are ringing now
Durban - New research and findings are “sounding alarm bells” for urgent action to halt global warming, the United Nations’ top official on climate change, Christiana Figueres, told journalists on Sunday.
Accesări: 390
27.11.2011 A Pledge That Didn't Meet Its Potential
BRUSSELS — A pledge that could be worth $100 billion each year to developing countries was one of the few concrete outcomes of a United Nations climate summit meeting two years ago in Copenhagen that was otherwise seen as a fiasco.
Accesări: 367
24.11.2011 Emisiile de CO2 ale Chinei, in continua crestere. Ar putea depasi SUA pana in 2017
Emisiile de dioxid de carbon ale Chinei au crescut rapid, umbrind eforturile internationale de lupta impotriva incalzirii globale. Potrivit unui raport privind tendintele pe termen lung in privinta emisiilor de CO2, facut public la finalul lui septembrie de centrul de cercetare al Comisiei Europene in colaborare cu Agentia PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment, emisiile de CO2 au crescut cu 45% intre 1990 si 2010, China fiind principalul motor al acestei ”ecuatii”.
Accesări: 257
23.11.2011 Raport GIEC: Dezastrele naturale, amplificate de schimbarile climatice
Schimbarile climatice au amplificat deja fenomenele naturale extreme, ploi torentiale sau valuri de caldura, iar impactul lor asupra omenirii este determinat de masurile care se vor lua de acum inainte, potrivit Grupului de Experti in Evolutia Climei (GIEC).
Accesări: 270
22.11.2011 China to cope with climate change in 11 major aspects: white paper
China will cope with climate change in 11 major aspects during the 2011-2015 period to achieve its announced targets, said a white paper released by the Chinese government on Tuesday.
Accesări: 337
22.11.2011 China to cope with climate change in 11 major aspects: white paper
China will cope with climate change in 11 major aspects during the 2011-2015 period to achieve its announced targets, said a white paper released by the Chinese government on Tuesday.
Accesări: 327
21.11.2011 On COP17 Climate Change Conference, Brazil Keeping The Faith
According to a poll by The Economist taken during last week’s virtual Global Energy Conference, just 15% of respondents think that any substantial deals on climate change will be reached at next week’s COP-17 in Durban, South Africa. Brazil, on the other hand, is keeping the faith.
Accesări: 369
21.11.2011 Nations Divided Over Timing, Form of Future Climate-Change Deal
The U.S. will set a high bar for discussions on a new, legally binding climate treaty at United Nations negotiations starting next week, said Todd Stern, President Barack Obama’s lead envoy for the talks.
Accesări: 315
21.11.2011 Atmospheric greenhouse gases reach highest-ever levels
World Meteorological Organization finds CO2, methane and nitrous oxide all increase in 2010
Accesări: 396
21.11.2011 On COP17 Climate Change Conference, Brazil Keeping The Faith
According to a poll by The Economist taken during last week’s virtual Global Energy Conference, just 15% of respondents think that any substantial deals on climate change will be reached at next week’s COP-17 in Durban, South Africa. Brazil, on the other hand, is keeping the faith.
Accesări: 345
21.11.2011 Nations Divided Over Timing, Form of Future Climate-Change Deal
The U.S. will set a high bar for discussions on a new, legally binding climate treaty at United Nations negotiations starting next week, said Todd Stern, President Barack Obama’s lead envoy for the talks.
Accesări: 327
21.11.2011 Atmospheric greenhouse gases reach highest-ever levels
World Meteorological Organization finds CO2, methane and nitrous oxide all increase in 2010
Accesări: 230
21.11.2011 Raport alarmant: Ultimul deceniu, cel mai cald din istoria omenirii PROGNOZA
Creşterea medie cu aproape 1°C a temperaturii planetei în ultimul secol, creşterea nivelului mărilor şi oceanelor, valuri de căldură şi inundaţii mai numeroase ca oricând: încălzirea globală este un proces în plină desfăşurare, cu efecte care se vor accentua în următoarele decenii.
Accesări: 271
19.11.2011 Lumea se va confrunta cu fenomene meteorologice fără precedent
Omenirea va plăti scump dacă nu va lua repede măsuri pentru stoparea încălzirii globale, avertizează un nou raport al Comitetului Interguvernamental pe tema Schimbarilor Climatice.
Accesări: 219
17.11.2011 Success of Durban climate-change summit in doubt
THIS year’s United Nations (UN) climate-change summit in Durban, which already promises only modest steps for cutting greenhouse gas pollution, could be in more trouble unless host SA improves its image.
Accesări: 250
17.11.2011 No tax, no trading but US says it's serious
THE US could meet its promised greenhouse emission reduction commitments without an emissions trading scheme, President Barack Obama said yesterday, but would continue to insist any new international agreement also include pledges from major developing country emitters.
Accesări: 257
16.11.2011 UN Chief Calls for Support on Climate-Change Mitigation
U.N. Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon in Thailand to assess the country’s flood crisis says the global community needs to back funding for climate-change mitigation to follow up the promises made during the 2009 Copenhagen climate conference. Ban's call comes three weeks before a climate-change conference in Durban, South Africa.
Accesări: 254
16.11.2011 Meles: Durban Summit Must Salvage 'Essence of Kyoto'
Africa's chief negotiator at next month's climate summit says his objective will be to salvage at least the essence of the landmark Kyoto Protocol. Disagreements between rich and poor countries make it increasingly unlikely that the treaty will survive intact.
Accesări: 321
16.11.2011 Building of Ark in Durban in progress
Implementing creative solutions like the use of art for environmental issues allows people the opportunity to participate and take ownership of saving the environment and effectively saving the future.
Accesări: 267
16.11.2011 What can U.N. climate talks in Durban deliver?
(Reuters) - Delegates from nearly 200 countries meet in South Africa from November 28 for major climate talks with the most likely outcome modest steps toward a broader deal to cut greenhouse gas pollution to fight climate change.
Accesări: 281
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