Ambition deadlock frustrating climate talks in Doha
Small island states vulnerable to the effects of climate change have raised concerns that with five days of the 2013 UN climate talks left, there is no deal on the table to prevent global temperatures rising to dangerous levels. |
Invest in food on climate change risk: Baring
Farmland in Brazil, soybeans and agricultural equipment makers are among ways to play the global risks of climate change and population growth, Baring Asset Management's chief investment officer said on Thursday. |
ONU: extremele ecologice ale anului 2012
Anul 2012 a fost marcat de fenomene extreme în întreaga lume. În special emisfera de Nord a antrenat numeroase recorduri de temperatură, o topire record a banchizei arctice și perioade de frig extrem, a anunțat miercuri, 28 noiembrie, Organizația Meteorologică Mondială (OMM), citată de hotnews.ro, transmite UNIMEDIA. |
How can Peru make next year’s climate summit a success?
As delegates begin to reflect on the limited success of the UN Climate Change negotiations in Warsaw which ended last week, eyes are now turning optimistically to Peru as the incoming president of COP20 in 2014. |
China urges turning climate talks into action
The main job for the Doha Climate Change Conference is to start implementing what we've already agreed on in the past, China's chief climate change negotiator said on Sunday. |
Communicating climate change: success or failure?
The ultimate measure of success for communicating research into climate change and energy is that global emissions should be falling. Unfortunately, emissions are rising at levels previously never thought of. |
Qatar set to host major climate talks
When the tiny desert nation of Qatar was chosen to host the latest round of United Nations climate change negotiations, environmentalists were stunned. |