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13.12.2011 COP-17: Durban UN climate deal hailed as ‘watershed’
THE United Nations (UN) climate change negotiations that ended in Durban on Sunday were "historic" and had delivered a "watershed" deal that took in developed and developing nations, Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa said yesterday.
Accesări: 244
13.12.2011 Carbon markets still on life support after climate deal
LONDON (Reuters) - Carbon markets are still on life support after a U.N. climate deal agreed in South Africa on Sunday put off some big decisions until next year and failed to deliver any hope for a needed boost in carbon permit demand.
Accesări: 292
13.12.2011 Canada quits Kyoto climate pact
(CNN) -- Canada officially renounced the expiring Kyoto Protocol on Monday, a day after international negotiators agreed to extend the treaty's limits on carbon emissions blamed for a warming climate.
Accesări: 254
13.12.2011 Acord slab si lipsit de echitate la Conferinta ONU privind schimbarile climatice
Dupa aproape doua saptamani de negocieri, Conferinta ONU privind schimbarile climatice de la Durban, Africa de Sud, s-a incheiat ieri cu un acord slab, lipsit de ambitie si echitate, se arata intr-un comunicat remis de Reteaua de Actiune pentru Clima Europa (CAN Europe), a carei membru este şi Fundaţia TERRA Mileniul III.
Accesări: 176
12.12.2011 Kyoto protocol lives on
After two weeks of tense negotiations at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s 17th Conference of the Parties (COP17), governments have come to several decisions, including the continuation of the Kyoto protocol, and a more active Green Climate Fund.
Accesări: 279
12.12.2011 International Energy Agency welcomes climate pact
The world's global energy authority has welcomed the Durban road map for a new climate pact as a positive step towards avoiding catastrophic climate change but warned countries not to use to the talks as a reason to ease off on immediate action.
Accesări: 296
12.12.2011 Statele participante la Conferinta de la Durban au acceptat un acord fragil pe tema incalzirii globale
Conferinta ONU pe tema incalzirii globale (COP 17) s-a incheiat astazi la Durban (Africa de Sud), dupa doua saptamani de discutii si controverse.
Accesări: 200
11.12.2011 UN chief hails Durban climate roadmap
New York - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday hailed what he called the "significant" breakthrough at UN climate talks that produced a roadmap towards an accord joining all major greenhouse-gas emitters.
Accesări: 255
11.12.2011 Hope at last at the Durban conference on climate change
UN climate change conferences don't of themselves cut greenhouse gas emissions. Negotiations about targets and texts cannot do that; only government policies that incentivise and require business investment in low carbon technologies and other emission-reducing activities can.
Accesări: 229
11.12.2011 Climate accord: 'Good but not good enough'
Though the UN's top climate-change official, Christiana Figueres, and South African International Relations and Cooperation Minister and COP17 president Maite Nkoana-Mashabane hailed the unexpected outcome of COP17 as a victory, environmental groups said the future of the planet was still at risk.
Accesări: 248
09.12.2011 De se îmbolnăvesc tot mai mulţi oameni din cauza schimbărilor climatice
Temperaturile în creştere influenţează vieţile oamenilor în mai multe moduri, de la calitatea aerului la siguranţa alimentară, avertizează cercetătorii americani.
Accesări: 217
09.12.2011 Sesiunea Plenară a Conferinţei ONU privind Schimbările Climatice
În perioada 6-9 decembrie 2011 Ministrul Mediului, dl Gheorghe Şalaru, participă la lucrările segmentului înalt a celei de-a 17 Conferinţe a Părţilor Convenţiei-cadru a Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite cu privire la schimbarea climei, care are loc în oraşul Durban, Africa de Sud. Obiectivul acestei Conferinţe constă în elaborarea şi aprobarea unui document cu statut juridic Internaţional obligatoriu care să înlocuiască Protocolul de la Kyoto, al cărui perioadă de implementare expiră la 1 ianuarie 2012.
Accesări: 198
09.12.2011 US signals support for EU's climate roadmap
DURBAN, South Africa - Head of the US delegation to the 17th Conference of Parties (COP17) to the United Nations Framework of Climate Change Conventions (UNFCCC) indicated on Thursday that Washington supports the European Union's roadmap unveiled at the meeting.
Accesări: 259
09.12.2011 Support grows for Durban climate deal
DURBAN, South Africa (Reuters) - Support grew on Thursday for an EU plan to agree a global climate change pact with binding targets by 2015, after poor nations vulnerable to climate change forged alliances with developed countries.
Accesări: 266
08.12.2011 UN Climate Conference close to deal on Green Fund
DURBAN, South Africa (Reuters) - Negotiators are close to agreeing the shape of a Green Climate Fund, which is designed to help poor nations tackle global warming and nudge them towards a new global effort to fight climate change.
Accesări: 254
08.12.2011 Kyoto pact likely to be extended
Extension of the Kyoto Protocol, which expires at the end of 2012, is becoming more likely in spite of strong opposition from Japan, according to participants at the ministerial-level meeting of a UN climate conference in Durban.
Accesări: 517
08.12.2011 Climate talks 'lacking urgency'
Lack of urgency in the Durban meeting halls and pressing issues elsewhere threaten to block progress as the UN climate summit enters its final days.
Accesări: 271
08.12.2011 Big emerging nations call for Kyoto extension
As the world's heads of state arrive in Durban, South Africa, to begin the high-level segment of the United Nations climate negotiations, the largest emerging economies said they were united in wanting a legal agreement on the Kyoto Protocol.
Accesări: 368
08.12.2011 Urşii polari, împinşi spre canibalism de încălzirea globală
Fotojurnalista Jenny Ross a surprins momentul în care un urs polar a atacat de foame un pui din propria sa specie.
Accesări: 232
07.12.2011 You must lead world from abyss, urges Ban
The world is nearing a point of no return and only decision makers at the climate change conference in Durban "can bring us from the edge", United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon said.
Accesări: 258
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