BERD oferă credite de încă 5 mil. dolari pentru eficientizarea energetică
BERD continuă să sprijine investițiile durabile în domeniul energetic din Moldova cu un împrumut de 5 milioane dolari acordat Bancii ProCredit Moldova pentru creditarea companiilor private. Linia de credit va fi utilizată pentru a finanța investițiile în eficiență energetică și proiecte mici de energie regenerabilă efectuate de întreprinderi mici și mijlocii (ÎMM), comopanii agricole și servicii comerciale. |
R8bn 'green building' for Pretoria
Construction began on the Environmental Affairs Department's new R8-billion "green building" in Pretoria on Thursday, illustrating South Africa's determination to move towards a low-carbon economy. |
UPDATE 1-EU Commission to publish ETS rescue plan next week
The European Commission confirmed on Friday that it will announce plans next week to withhold carbon allowances to support the struggling Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), which has suffered a collapse in prices under the burden of oversupply. |
South Africa to host climate meeting
South Africa will host the 11th BASIC ministerial climate change meeting in Johannesburg on Thursday and Friday, featuring ministers from Brazil, South Africa, India and China. |
Trade war: Cabinet to consider steps against EU carbon tax
The trade battle with the European Union over the latter's unilateral decision to impose carbon tax on Indian airlines flying into or via the EU could turn into a full scale war with the Cabinet to soon consider a proposal for counter-measures against EU including reducing the number of flights and breaking existing bilateral agreements. |
O tulburare climatică a distrus coralii timp de 2.500 de ani
O tulburare climatică datorată variaţiilor extreme ale curentului marin El Nino a provocat distrugerea recifelor de corali din estul Oceanului Pacific timp de 2.500 de ani, arată un studiu publicat joi în Statele Unite şi menţionat de AFP. |
SA objects to having to join EU carbon scheme
SA WOULD not be dictated to by countries that have "already developed over many, many, many years", Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa said yesterday as the country joined growing international opposition to European Union (EU) plans to compel airlines to join its carbon-trading system. |
Controversy erupts over carbon floor price
The federal government is struggling to find a way to implement a $15 minimum carbon price when emissions trading starts in 2015 and is negotiating with the Greens to redesign the complex scheme. |
Climate Change Causes Leaves to Shrink
Scientists from the University of Adelaide have discovered that climate change is causing some leaves to shrink in Australia. They discovered this while analysing some herbarium specimens of Narrow-leaf Hopbush from the 1880's and compared them with today's Narrow-leaf Hopbush leaves. |
Guyana calls for regional unity on climate change
Guyana has called on the Caribbean to continue to leverage “our extreme exposure to climate change” as it seeks to forge and advocate a common position on the matter. President Donald Ramotar, addressing the ceremonial opening of the 33rd Caribbean Community (Caricom) summit yesterday said that of all the vulnerabilities facing the region, none poses a more direct threat to the region’s existence than climate change. |