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30.11.2009 What Is the Right Number to Combat Climate Change?
Is there a safe level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to prevent "dangerous anthropogenic interference" in the climate?
Views: 349
29.11.2009 Leaders say momentum building on climate change
PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad – Leaders of the Commonwealth countries called Saturday for a legally binding international agreement on climate change and a global fund with billions of dollars to help poor countries meet its mandates.
Views: 328
28.11.2009 Warnings on flu and diseases related to global warming
Vaccination is not a foolproof solution to the typeA (H1N1) influenza and may ultimately cause paralฌysis in those with health risks, a seminar on the disease and global warming was told yesterday.
Views: 382
26.11.2009 'Significant' US change on global warming: Al Gore
WASHINGTON (AFP) – Barack Obama is leading a "significant" change in US policy towards global warming, Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore said, days ahead of the US president's trip to the global climate summit in Copenhagen.
Views: 348
26.11.2009 China Joins U.S. in Pledge of Hard Targets on Emissions
BEIJING — The Chinese government announced Thursday that it had set a target to slow the growth of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, a day after the Obama administration set a provisional target for reducing United States emissions.
Views: 358
25.11.2009 Studies: Fighting global warming reduces diseases
WASHINGTON — Cutting global warming pollution would not only make the planet healthier, it would make people healthier too, newly released studies say.
Views: 357
25.11.2009 Curbing global warming saves lives, studies say
WASHINGTON – Cutting global warming pollution would not only make the planet healthier, it would make people healthier too, new research suggests.
Views: 351
25.11.2009 Republicans say global-warming e-mails show scientists hiding data
WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans are investigating e-mails stolen from a British research center that they say show scientists attempting to suppress data that does not support man-made global warming.
Views: 377
25.11.2009 Price of global warming cuts may stop deal at U.N. meeting
"Everything we do is tied to energy and climate," says climate economist Graciela Chichilnisky of Columbia University. "Not just the electric bill – that's a minuscule part of it. Not just the food bill. Everything."
Views: 1834
25.11.2009 Fewer Americans believe in global warming, poll shows
The percentage of Americans who believe global warming is happening has dipped from 80 to 72 percent in the past year, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, even as a majority still support a national cap on greenhouse gas emissions.
Views: 297
24.11.2009 Dispelling myths about India and climate change
Today, President Obama will host the first state visit of his presidency, rolling out the red carpet for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India. Climate change will be high on the agenda for the leaders of the world's two biggest democracies. And the timing is auspicious, coming only two weeks before the start of the high stakes global climate summit in Copenhagen.
Views: 350
24.11.2009 US to present emissions target in Copenhagen
WASHINGTON – The United States, under pressure from other nations as one of the world's largest greenhouse-gas polluters, will present a target for reducing carbon dioxide emissions at next month's climate conference in Copenhagen, Obama administration officials said Monday.
Views: 516
23.11.2009 Over 100 icebergs drifting to N.Zealand: official
SYDNEY (AFP) – More than 100, and possibly hundreds, of Antarctic icebergs are floating towards New Zealand in a rare event which has prompted a shipping warning, officials said on Monday.
Views: 443
18.11.2009 Does having children contribute to climate change?
A new UN report suggests that slowing population growth could help combat climate change. Do you think that having less children could help us save the planet?
Views: 369
16.11.2009 Climate Treaty Delayed Past Copenhagen Meeting
World leaders agree on one thing: there is not enough time left before the December meeting in Copenhagen to negotiate a binding treaty to combat climate change
Views: 383
15.11.2009 Brazil aims to reduce CO2 emissions by almost 40 per cent
Sao Paulo - Brazil plans to lower its emissions of the main greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by nearly 40 per cent by 2020, the government said in Sao Paulo late Friday. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's Chief of Staff Dilma Rousseff emphasised that the ambitious goal was voluntary. Brazil intends to emit around one billion fewer tons of CO2 by 2020 than it otherwise would have.
Views: 366
11.11.2009 Reviewing and Verifying International Climate Action
Climate change is a global issue that requires action from all countries. As the U.S. Congress develops a domestic climate and energy package, the United States seeks assurance that other countries will also act and a means to track the progress of commitments by verifying that actions have been implemented.
Views: 378
10.11.2009 Latin America must cut emissions too
When it comes to climate change negotiations, rich countries receive the brunt of the criticism. Some heat has been applied to the emerging heavyweights – China, India and Brazil – too. In contrast, there seems to be a consensus that the poorest countries, mainly in Africa and Asia, shouldn't have to make emissions cuts.
Views: 268
10.11.2009 Climate change 'playing havoc' with health systems
Global warming has brought an increase in heat-related deaths, food poisoning and tick-borne diseases, but flu pandemics may decline as temperatures rise, according to Jan Semenza, scientific advisor at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
Views: 277
09.11.2009 World Bank and Moldova Join Forces to Fight Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture
A joint partnership between the World Bank, the Moldovan Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and the Ministry of Environment was launched in Moldova’s capital in the late days of October. The new partnership aims to consolidate Government and Bank efforts to reduce the vulnerability of Moldova’s farmers to climate change. The program will be managed by the World Bank and supported by about $350,000 in grants from the World Bank, the Bank-Netherlands Partnership, and the Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development.
Views: 204
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