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02.02.2011 AP sources: House GOP readies restrictions on EPA
WASHINGTON – In a sharp challenge to the Obama administration, House Republican leaders intend to unveil legislation to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases, officials said. They expect to advance the bill quickly.
Views: 287
01.02.2011 PM launches climate change project
PRIME Minister Bruce Golding will tomorrow launch a multi-million dollar programme aimed at strengthening Jamaica's resilience to climate change and other environmental hazards.
Views: 261
31.01.2011 World Bank defends its role in climate finance
Billions of dollars are being mobilized to help poor countries respond to climate change. A race is on for those who want a say in the finance. In an interview with DW, the World Bank defends its seat at the table.
Views: 359
31.01.2011 REDD-plus goes beyond the ‘Norway deal’: United Nations
Indonesia is reportedly ready to implement the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD-plus) as part of a post-2012 climate deal. The UN has allocated US$5.6 million for its REDD program in Indonesia, of which US$3.75 million is managed by the UN-REDD Program Indonesia with the assistance of three UN agencies: FAO, UNEP and UNDP. To explore the progress of the initiative, The Jakarta Post recently talked to El-Mostafa Benlamlih, resident coordinator of the United Nations program in Indonesia. Below are the excerpts.
Views: 328
31.01.2011 ADB to provide $7.4 billion assistance to India for 2011-2013
NEW DELHI: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of India have agreed on a new three-year business plan that will provide lending assistance of 7.4 billion dollars to support inclusive and environmentally sustainable growth in the country.
Views: 354
28.01.2011 UN climate talks set for April in Bangkok
PARIS — UN climate talks will take place in Bangkok from April 3-8 to follow up on last month's meeting in Mexico, including the future of the Kyoto Protocol, sources close to the negotiations said on Friday.
Views: 365
27.01.2011 S. Korea Parliament to Debate Carbon-Trading Legislation in February
South Korea’s presidential committee plans to submit legislation on carbon-emissions trading to parliament next month amid opposition from business groups.
Views: 347
27.01.2011 S. African city gears up for UN climate change talks
Although the 17th United Nations Framework Convention in Durban is 10 months away, preparations in the South Africa host city are underway, the South African parliament in Cape Town heard on Wednesday.
Views: 348
27.01.2011 India to unveil emissions trading scheme on February 1
NEW DELHI: India will be unveiling its own cap and trade mechanism to deal with air pollution on February 1. The proposed market-based mechanism seeks to introduce a system of self-regulation among industrial units by putting a price on emission of pollutants. A price for emissions, makes it costly to pollute, therefore incentivising polluters to reduce emissions. The first domestic emissions trading scheme will begin in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat.
Views: 340
27.01.2011 Climate talks 'off life support' but what next? Davos panel to discuss road to Durban
DAVOS, Switzerland — The thick, heavy snowfall outside the World Economic Forum's annual meeting has not whitewashed fears about climate change, and its effects on the economy.
Views: 312
26.01.2011 SA feels heat to secure climate agreement
Department of Environmental Affairs say SA under pressure to ensure agreement of the Kyoto Protocol when hosting UN conference.
Views: 339
26.01.2011 Offset Ban Will Boost Demand for Africa Carbon Projects, UN Says
The European Union’s ban on carbon credit imports linked to some industrial gases will boost demand for Clean Development Mechanism projects in Africa, a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change official said.
Views: 377
25.01.2011 Efforts to Fight Climate Change Revive Optimism
For years, China was seen as a major obstacle to global efforts to combat climate change because of its refusal to reduce emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.
Views: 297
25.01.2011 ClimateGate affair: 'Learn and move on', say MPs
Inquiries into issues raised by 2009's climate e-mail hack did have flaws, a committee of MPs concludes.
Views: 348
24.01.2011 Forest accords not saving trees, experts
NEW YORK — International accords on saving vulnerable forests are having little impact because they do not attack the core causes such as growing demand for biofuels and food crops, a new report said.
Views: 423
24.01.2011 How Korea and Denmark can help each other go green
Korea and Denmark can work together on green growth initiatives, said Katherine Richardson - chair of the Danish Commission on Climate Change Policy and the vice dean for public outreach, faculty of science, at the University of Copenhagen - and the Danish government is hoping to partner with Korea to build green energy systems.
Views: 1682
23.01.2011 U.N. climate plans said too narrow to save forests
(Reuters) - World efforts to slow deforestation should do more to address underlying causes such as rising demand for crops or biofuels, widening from a U.N. focus on using trees to fight climate change, a study said Monday.
Views: 352
20.01.2011 New climate data shows warming world: WMO
GENEVA (Reuters) – Last year tied for the hottest year on record, confirming a long-term warming trend which will continue unless greenhouse gas emissions are cut, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Thursday.
Views: 381
20.01.2011 2010 hits global temperature high
2010 was the warmest year since global temperature records began in 1850 - although margins of uncertainty make it a statistical tie with 1998 and 2005.
Views: 361
19.01.2011 UAE energy plan a model for the Gulf
ABU DHABI // UAE efforts to minimise its contribution to climate change could serve as a model for the rest of the Gulf, says the UN diplomat heading up efforts to reach a global climate deal.
Views: 297
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