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02.02.2012 Germany, China take lead in environmental policies
Strong economic ties drive the Sino-German bilateral partnership. Energy, environment and climate change issues remain at the heart of economic relations.
Views: 228
02.02.2012 G77, China call for global partnership
UNITED NATIONS - The Group of 77 and China (G77+China) on Wednesday made loud calls for a scaled-up global partnership to end poverty, particularly as the world surpasses one billion people living below poverty line.
Views: 240
31.01.2012 UN paints bleak picture of sustainability
ELEANOR HALL: But we begin today with a warning to governments around the globe - not about debt but about the world's resources.
Views: 455
31.01.2012 Higher target for cuts in EU emissions less costly than originally thought
A MOVE by the European Union to aim to cut greenhouse gas emissions by significantly more than 20 per cent by 2020 was feasible, beneficial and much cheaper than previously thought, according to a study published yesterday by the European Commission.
Views: 467
30.01.2012 Kyoto Protocol is driving adoption of corporate mitigation strategies
The Kyoto Protocol is successfully pushing the implementation and adoption of adaptation strategies to enable developing countries to earn saleable emissions reduction credits from certified projects, as part of the Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).
Views: 404
30.01.2012 UN panel aims for 'a future worth choosing'
Growing inequality, environmental decline and "teetering" economies mean the world must change the way it does business, a UN report concludes.
Views: 427
30.01.2012 Rio+20: Summit shifts from climate change as talks open in New York
REPRESENTATIVES from around the world gather in Rio in June to try to hammer out goals for sustainable development at a United Nations (U.N.) conference designed to avoid being tripped up by the intractable issue of climate change.
Views: 367
29.01.2012 Extreme heat hurts wheat yields as world warms: study
(Reuters) - Extreme heat can cause wheat crops to age faster and reduce yields, a U.S.-led study shows, underscoring the challenge of feeding a rapidly growing population as the world warms.
Views: 376
27.01.2012 PM for global climate fund
DAVOS - Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani Thursday called for a global approach to respond to climate risks in view of vulnerability and inability of developing nation to cope with the challenge.
Views: 412
27.01.2012 Britain ranks top risks posed by climate change
LONDON (AP) — Coastlines, working patterns, and even the country's most famous meal are under threat from climate change, Britain said Thursday in its first-ever national assessment of the likely risks.
Views: 391
26.01.2012 First report on UK climate impact
Climate change this century poses both risks and opportunities, according to the first comprehensive government assessment of its type.
Views: 381
25.01.2012 United Arab Emirates Promotes Alternative Energy
DUBAI — Masdar, a renewable energy company based in Abu Dhabi, plans to spend millions of dirhams in clean energy projects in Scotland after signing an agreement with the Scottish government.
Views: 460
24.01.2012 UN conference returns to Rio with new emphasis
UNITED NATIONS – Representatives from around the world will be returning to Rio de Janeiro this June — 20 years after the U.N. Earth Summit — but this time the focus will be on sustainable development, not climate change, a Brazilian diplomat said Tuesday.
Views: 431
24.01.2012 Sun's changes unlikely to slow global warming, scientists say
The expected reduction in the Sun's activity will not have a big impact on global temperatures, Met Office research shows
Views: 443
24.01.2012 Signs of New Life as U.N. Searches for a Climate Accord
WASHINGTON — Critics and supporters alike agree that the U.N. forum for negotiating international climate change policies is an ungainly mess, its annual gatherings marked by discord, disarray and brinkmanship.
Views: 394
24.01.2012 Durban did too little: here are alternatives to the UN process
In the month and a half since the Durban climate change conference it has been said that the “international climate process” has been “strengthened” and that Durban resulted in “the means and the ends for a new era in climate negotiations”.
Views: 407
24.01.2012 Climate Change and Farming: How Not to Go Hungry in a Warmer World
Climate change might hit us in the most vital place of all — the dinner plate. Why do we care about climate change? Obviously we worry about what warming temperatures might do to the geography of the planet — particularly melting polar ice and raising global sea levels. We fear the impact that climate change could have on endangered species, as warming temperatures speed the already rapid pace of extinction for wildlife that have been pushed to the edge by habitat loss and hunting. We focus on the changing risk of extreme weather, of more powerful storms causing billions of dollars of damage in richer nations — and taking thousands of lives in poorer ones. Sometimes we're simply uneasy with idea that our actions are altering the earth, changing the rhythms of the seasons, shifting weather patterns we've been accustomed to for as long as human beings can remember.
Views: 390
23.01.2012 New ways of farming ‘could slow bad effects of climate change’
Research shows that the worldwide adoption of new, "sustainable" ways of farming could arrest the negative effects of climate change and population growth on food security, and protect farmers’ income
Views: 493
23.01.2012 Global warming would harm the Earth, but some areas might find it beneficial
“Global warming” and “climate change” succinctly describe a complicated phenomenon, and in just a few decades they have become common descriptors. But while global warming would be bad for the Earth as a whole, the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere would affect different areas in different ways, and local climate change is what matters to many people. So let’s look at the relative winners and losers.
Views: 383
23.01.2012 Birds are finding it increasingly difficult to adapt to Europe's warming climes
Birds are finding it increasingly difficult to adapt to Europe's warming climes. That is the warning from a pan-European group of researchers in a major new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change.
Views: 414
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